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The Time We Talked To Cecile Richards
The Time We Talked To Cecile Richards

The Time We Talked To Cecile Richards

Thanks again for joining us on this look back through 5 seasons of The Suburban Women Problem. Today we're sharing Season 1, Episode 18 - our interview with the late great Cecile Richards.Even at the time, we couldn't believe we were lucky enough to discuss women's rights, reproductive healthcare, and politics with such an inspirational leader as Cecile. But since she passed away last month, we are even more grateful for the opportunity to feature her on the podcast.A lot has changed since we talked to Cecile in September of 2021, but her advice to not wait for instructions and just jump in is as timely as ever.For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue. You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media! Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

The Time We Talked To Cecile Richards

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