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Our 50th Episode Special with State Senator Mallory McMorrow
Our 50th Episode Special with State Senator Mallory McMorrow

Our 50th Episode Special with State Senator Mallory McMorrow

To celebrate our 50th episode back in May 2022, we invited suburban women superhero Mallory McMorrow to join us. Mallory, a state senator in Michigan, had recently gone viral for a speech where she stood up for marginalized groups as "a white Christian suburban mom." Mallory is a reminder of the good that can come from suburban women using our voices and standing behind our values.Her political career has continued to blossom since she was on the pod and her debut book is coming out in just a few weeks! It's called Hate Won't Win: Find Your Power and Leave This Place Better Than We Found It and we can't wait to read it.For a transcript of this episode, please email theswppod@redwine.blue. You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media! Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

Our 50th Episode Special with State Senator Mallory McMorrow

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