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How do people find podcasts?
How do people find podcasts?

How do people find podcasts?

You have created a podcast! Great news!. Now it is time for people to find your podcast. Simply adding it to a hosting platform isn't enough.  But how do people actually find podcasts?  In this episode I give you 5 ways and surprisingly social media is not the number one... Interested in knowing more about our podcast production services? Contact us at info@lagorservices.com or check our website: www.lagorservices.com Follow us on: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laila-noort/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lagorservices Email us for a FREE COPY of our e-book on why starting a podcast for your business is a good idea : info@lagorservices.com

How do people find podcasts?

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