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Are Daddy's Issues Hurting Your Relationships? With Coach Aileen Santos
Are Daddy's Issues Hurting Your Relationships? With Coach Aileen Santos

Are Daddy's Issues Hurting Your Relationships? With Coach Aileen Santos

Our fathers raised us in the best way they knew, and we hold them in high regard with love, gratitude, and respect for their efforts. The way they formed bonds with us during our upbringing greatly influences our sense of security, stability, courage, confidence, and self-worth—even into adulthood. These deep-rooted influences often manifest in certain struggles we face in our relationships, and can be traced to "Father Wounds" or "Daddy's Issues" (a term preferable to "Daddy Issues" which unfairly places blame on women for the dysfunction). Thus, the first step towards healing and triumphing over these wounds is to explore our past experiences that were less than ideal.  Sharing her expertise in this episode is Aileen Santos, an internationally certified relationship coach, life skills and conflict resolution trainer and counselor who has a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and is a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner.

Are Daddy's Issues Hurting Your Relationships? With Coach Aileen Santos

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