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#95 You are doing all the right things, but your dreams are not becoming a reality? Here is why!
#95 You are doing all the right things, but your dreams are not becoming a reality? Here is why!

#95 You are doing all the right things, but your dreams are not becoming a reality? Here is why!

You have big dreams, goals and visions. But for some reason they are not becoming your reality. You are doing all the "right things", trying harder, giving more of yourself. But no matter what you do, it doesn't seem to work out the way you want.If this is currently you.. We got you! In this episode we are diving deep into the reason your dreams are not becoming a reality, and what you can do to change that and start living your souls purpose – What you are here to live, create and feel in this lifetime. Everything you are looking for is already here. - Instagram: @celineheldrup & @sofiewiberg 5-days free online journey here: www.celineheldrup.no/awaken ✨Will you join us for The Soul Purpose Experience in Ibiza? More info about this retreat here: www.celineheldrup.no/thesoulexperience 🦋

#95 You are doing all the right things, but your dreams are not becoming a reality? Here is why!

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