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A Good Read: Joe Dunthorne and Iszi Lawrence
A Good Read: Joe Dunthorne and Iszi Lawrence

A Good Read: Joe Dunthorne and Iszi Lawrence

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Süskind, translated by John E. Woods, chosen by Iszi Lawrence Two Serious Ladies by Jane Bowles, chosen by Joe Dunthorne Oh William! by Elizabeth Strout, chosen by presenter Harriett GilbertHistorical fiction author and broadcaster Iszi Lawrence adores the sensational novel Perfume, and has done since she was a teenager. For her, it immerses her in another world and is wonderfully cynical about the futility of chasing ultimate fulfilment through creating art and performing to a crowd.The poet and novelist, author of Submarine, Joe Dunthorne chooses the forgotten cult classic Two Serious Ladies. It makes him happy because every sentence is a surprise, and that makes him want to write. But he admits that it's not for everyone.And Harriett's choice is Oh William! by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Strout. Which prompts the discussion, can you love a book if you loathe the central character?Produced by Beth O'Dea for BBC Audio Bristol Follow us on instagram: agoodreadbbc

A Good Read: Joe Dunthorne and Iszi Lawrence

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