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S25E8: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stay in a Relationship
S25E8: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stay in a Relationship

S25E8: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stay in a Relationship

Hey lady! Can you feel the transformation in the air? The feeling that change is around us is undeniable. Sometimes that change is within your relationships. Do you know when it’s time to cut ties with someone you’ve been romantically linked to? Terri and Dr. Dom offer their perspectives, based on their unique experiences, to shed some light on when it may be time to ditch your relationship.There are many excuses for staying in a relationship. Maybe you’ve been in it for years and fear starting over, maybe you share children and don’t want to disrupt their lives. Maybe the dizzle is just too bomb. It’s understandable to feel like those are acceptable reasons to remain in a relationship but the truth is if the relationship is no longer serving your highest good then lady, it’s time to give it the boot. Lady, in 2025 we are not settling.This episode may push a few buttons but healing doesn’t always feel pleasant. Your growth edge may lie in having a good look in the mirror about who you choose to share your energy with. So, get comfy and get your journal as Dr. Dom and Terri help you into a deeper understanding of how you take your relationships to the next level. And, don’t forget to check out the Aftershow where the ladies share more tea about their love lives. Quote of the Day:"The hardest part of ending a bad relationship is convincing yourself that you deserve better." – Unknown  Goal Map Like a Pro WorkbookCultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Resources: Dr. Dom’s Therapy PracticeBranding with TerriMelanin and Mental HealthTherapy for Black Girls Psychology TodayTherapy for QPOC  Where to find us:Twitter: @HERspacepodcastInstagram: @herspacepodcastFacebook: @herspacepodcastWebsite: cultivatingherspace.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cultivating-h-e-r-space-uplifting-conversations-for-the-black-woman--5470036/support.

S25E8: 6 Reasons You Shouldn’t Stay in a Relationship

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