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S25E9: Empowering the Next Generation Through Sex Education with Camila Rodriguez
S25E9: Empowering the Next Generation Through Sex Education with Camila Rodriguez

S25E9: Empowering the Next Generation Through Sex Education with Camila Rodriguez

Hey lady! This week friend of the show, Camila Rodriguez, joins Dr. Dom and Terri to have an honest conversation about how to open a conversation with the youth in our lives about sex. Cami, is the co-founder of Empowered Caretakers: Navigating Sex Education with Kids and Teens. She is on a mission to help all the people in a child’s village empower them to make healthy decisions around their sexuality. In today’s climate, we cannot rely on public education to inform and empower students to advocate for themselves. Cami makes a point to expand the conversation from parents to caretakers because not every family looks or operates the same, but the importance of having the conversation and having it early remains consistent across the board.Cami’s course aims to arm caretakers with the information to explain with love and in an age-appropriate manner how children and teens can feel empowered to know their bodies, honor their boundaries, own their pleasure, and advocate for themselves if they find themselves in dangerous circumstances. Lady, we all know that knowledge is power and when you create a supportive environment with a foundation of respect, honesty, love and care you have a greater chance for a strong relationship with your loved one. Tune into today’s episode for tips on how to cultivate safety and trust during challenging conversations with the young people in your life. Quote of the Day:"The conversation starts with you." – Camila Rodriguez  Goal Map Like a Pro WorkbookCultivating H.E.R. Space Sanctuary  Where to find Camila Rodriguez:Website: Empowered Caretakers  Resources:Dr. Dom’s Therapy PracticeBranding with TerriMelanin and Mental HealthTherapy for Black Girls Psychology TodayTherapy for QPOC  Where to find us:Twitter: @HERspacepodcastInstagram: @herspacepodcastFacebook: @herspacepodcastWebsite: cultivatingherspace.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/cultivating-h-e-r-space-uplifting-conversations-for-the-black-woman--5470036/support.

S25E9: Empowering the Next Generation Through Sex Education with Camila Rodriguez

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