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134: Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain
134: Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain

134: Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain

Crystal McLain and I go back a few years, and she's been a great source of much needed "woo" in my world, and that has saved my bacon what feels like a million times. So I'm sharing one of my personal sustainability resources here... Crystal is a licensed Massage Therapist slash podcaster - her podcast has the same title as this episode. Her episodes are easy to listen to and forgiving. And I'll say it until I die, she has the cutest giggle. I personally am afraid of being seen as an imposter of someone who has their crap together, but she has magical powers and can see right through it. She's kind and has gentle suggestions to help. You'll see!I've shared her reels on Instagram several times, because they are exactly what I needed to hear, hoping it would reach someone else, too. Do you have a "woo" person, or practice in your life, to keep yourself in check so you can keep on keepin' on? Send me a message and let me know what/who yours is. Feel free to let Crystal know, too - she'd love it!Crystal's message she wants you to leave with: "YOU have the power to create a healthier, empowered, and more fulfilling human experience."You can find Crystal on TikTok here: https://www.tiktok.com/@crystal_mclain_creative?lang=eAnd on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/crystalmclaincreative/You can send me messages(this is new!)!Support the showPlease follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here YouTube channel link is here You can DM me there or email me at amysgardenjam@gmail.com Website for Amy's Garden Jam is https://amysgardenjam.com/ (podcast has its own tab on this site!)How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at https://www.janebolduc.com/Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/cute_but_loud/ and check out her awesome art projects. Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform with the best customer service! Learn more at https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1851361 You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/groundedinmaine Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at https://esgreview.net/

134: Creative Self Care with Crystal McLain

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