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135: Rewilding With Native Plants: Christopher Reynolds
135: Rewilding With Native Plants: Christopher Reynolds

135: Rewilding With Native Plants: Christopher Reynolds

I met Christopher Reynolds through Podmatch, and, as I usually do, I followed him on Instagram and TikTok to see what he's about, and his message is so beautiful. His stories are meaningful and deep, and you can't help but be drawn in and want to support whatever he's putting out. Christopher is a high-end landscape designer, and he discovered for himself what a powerful addition native plants are to his design. He encourages everyone to plant natives wherever we can - just add a few even, to add biodiversity to our area. He talks about ways that adding native plants will improve the land, and bring in beneficial insects and birds, and other critters, and the magnitude of those positive changes. All from just planting a few native plants! A small effort for huge and lasting results!He also talks about the personal project he's working on, Tierra Linda Park, that he's experimenting and bringing back to life using natives, and the results already are truly awesome!Christopher's own words of what he wants you to take away from this conversation from his guest form: "The solutions to many of our big problems are simple and fast in the scheme of things. We can all participate at whatever level we can and all acts, tiny and grand, contribute. If you know how easy it is, then you can't help but want to take action." Reynolds-Sebastiani Design Service STUNNING website is hereWebsite for Christopher's Tierra Linda Park to see his progress: https://tierralindapark.com/Check out Christopher's Instagram reels hereOr if you're on TikTok, here is where he's most activeAnd his YouTube channel is hereYou can send me messages(this is new!)!Support the showPlease follow Grounded In Maine podcast on Instagram here YouTube channel link is here You can DM me there or email me at amysgardenjam@gmail.com Website for Amy's Garden Jam is https://amysgardenjam.com/ (podcast has its own tab on this site!)How Do I Get There From Here by Jane Bolduc - listen to more at https://www.janebolduc.com/Podcast cover by Becca Kofron- follow here on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/cute_but_loud/ and check out her awesome art projects. Grounded in Maine Podcast is hosted by Buzzsprout, the easiest podcast hosting platform with the best customer service! Learn more at https://www.buzzsprout.com/?referrer_id=1851361 You can support this podcast one time (or many) with the Buy me a coffee/Hot Chocolate link here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/groundedinmaine Grounded in Maine Podcast is sponsored by ESG Review. Learn more about the good they're doing at https://esgreview.net/

135: Rewilding With Native Plants: Christopher Reynolds

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