Disabled and Proud is the show brought to you by top adaptive athlete Brooke Millhouse bringing listeners a different perspective on disability, each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational. This podcast is an opportunity to show the world that there is beauty in disability; it is not to be feared, gawked at, pitied but to be celebrated - this is the place to revel in the splendour of the disabled whilst learning and growing as a collective.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what is says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without need to conform for society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!
May 14, 2024
Brooke meets Matt, a wheelchair user who shares his experiences of living with a spinal cord injury since the age of 15. The episode delves into Matt's journey of self-discovery and resilience, highlighting the challenges and triumphs he faced during his formative years.
Matt candidly discusses the impact of his disability on his career choices and the founding of his disability tech company, Sociability, an app that allows wheelchair users /disabled people to find out and rate whether a place is accessible.
The conversation touches on the misconceptions and barriers faced by disabled entrepreneurs, emphasising the importance of pushing boundaries and expectations within the disability space.
Matt stresses the fact that it's important to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding disability, emphasising the need for more positive and diverse narratives.
The discussion sheds light on the barriers faced by disabled entrepreneurs, particularly in the disability space, where there is a prevalent assumption that disability-related work is charity-based rather than profit-driven.
The growth of the business, Sociability, has not only provided a valuable service for disabled individuals but has also instilled confidence and opened up opportunities for users, showcasing the positive impact of accessibility solutions.
Matt's journey as an entrepreneur reflects the resilience and persistence required to navigate the ups and downs of running a business, especially during challenging times like the onset of the pandemic.
"I think having a spinal cord injury, you know, becoming disabled and then having to learn and live with that through that period has very much shaped like who I am today and how I think about things."
"I think the disability space particularly is one that has a lot of barriers around it."
"I love hearing other people talk about what they're really passionate about." - Host
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
May 07, 2024
Brooke joins a heartfelt and engaging conversation with members of People First, Keeley, Craven, Luke, Shannon, and others. The discussion delves into their experiences living with disabilities, highlighting their resilience, achievements, and the importance of support systems like People First.
The guests share personal stories, discuss misconceptions about disabilities, and express their pride in the work they do, including advocacy, podcasting, and community initiatives. They also demonstrate the strong bonds and sense of family within the group, emphasising the value of friendship and support in navigating life with disabilities.
The members of People First are proud of their work and accomplishments, emphasising the importance of positivity and self-confidence.
People First provides a supportive and inclusive environment for adults with learning disabilities, offering various activities and services such as advocacy, social nights, and podcasting.
The podcasting activities at People First have been impactful, featuring interviews with notable guests and providing a platform for self-expression and empowerment.
The organisation values professional boundaries and social connections, creating a sense of family and support among its members.
The members expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share their stories and experiences, highlighting the positive impact of collaboration and mutual support within the community.
"I find some new things quite difficult to learn, but sometimes I find it very useful. Most times I find it very useful and not too difficult."
"It's important because everything for adults who come with learning disabilities Sometimes, there are those, I mean, I'm really good with hearing, and there are some that might not feel comfy about working in a big noisy establishment."
"I like being in the broadcast room with the guys themselves. But for me, I like sitting behind the desk knowing I can make a change for other people and go home and tell other people what I've actually done day by day."
"My motto is, always think positive."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Apr 30, 2024
Brooke talks to special guest, LeMondre Pough, who shares his journey of being born with spinal muscular atrophy, a progressive neurological disorder, and how his disability has evolved over time. He discusses his childhood experiences, the challenges he faced in the educational system, and the importance of advocating for oneself. LeMondre emphasises the concept of disability as a part of one's identity and the need for individuals to stand up for their needs, and delves into the significance of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
LeMondre shares his experience of being born with a progressive neurological disorder, emphasising the evolution and changes he has experienced over time.
LeMondre co-founded Billion Strong, a global identity organisation focused on uniting and empowering the global community of people with disabilities to amplify their voices and create positive change.
There is great importance in providing individuals with what is best for them to empower and elevate their contributions.
We need to be an accomplice rather than just an ally. There's a growing need for individuals to actively engage and support marginalised communities in their fight for rights and equality.
"I always look at it as it is not the defining point of who I am, but it's certainly a defining point."
"I often say that the arts gave me my voice."
"I think it's important that we show up not only as allies, but as accomplices."
"I love the harmony piece of it. I love the harmony piece of it."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Apr 23, 2024
In this very special edition of thew show, Brooke takes you through a compilation of discussions from various disabled individuals sharing their personal experiences and perspectives on disability. The guests talk about their journeys to diagnosis, the challenges they faced, and the societal perceptions of disability. They touch on topics such as identity, ableism, intersectionality, and the pressure to be extraordinary as a disabled person.
The conversations highlight the importance of self-acceptance, challenging ableist norms, and the need for diverse representation within the disabled community. Through candid and introspective dialogues, the episode sheds light on the complexities and nuances of living with a disability, emphasising the value of individual stories and the diversity of experiences within the disabled community.
The importance of normalising the term "disabled" and rejecting labels like "differently abled" or "less abled" is crucial.
The need to confront ableism both within oneself and in society is a crucial step towards understanding and acceptance.
The pressure on disabled individuals to be extraordinary or inspirational is discussed, emphasising the value of simply existing as a disabled person.
Recognise the value of personal stories and experiences of disability, regardless of whether they fit into traditional narratives of success or inspiration.
"I think ADHD, especially is like, the name of it just doesn't even kind of, it's not even accurate, really at all, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."
"I think for me, and especially like in the last couple of years, just like reaching out to more people in the community and like, finding literature and books written by us, this community, I started to realise, okay, a lot of the language that I had that was such negative self-talk, so bad and down on myself, is not something that exists just naturally."
"I love the fact that actually for you coming to terms with disability meant that you realised ableism was so embedded in society because I think a lot of people don't seem to realise that the vast majority of our views or our notions surrounding disability all actually boil down to ableism."
"I think that, especially as Again, like I started to see that representation, like I'd see people on the Ellen show and like, you know, all these like talk shows and I'm like, okay, this is amazing."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Apr 16, 2024
Brooke is joined by Gavin Neate, the founder of WelcoMe, and who has been working in the disability sector, to discuss his passion for supporting disabled individuals.
Gavin shares his experiences working with Guide Dogs for the Blind and the inspiration behind his innovative tool, aimed at improving accessibility for disabled people in various businesses. They delve into the importance of equity in experiences for disabled individuals, the impact of Welcome on both disabled people and businesses, and the challenge of proving the existence of the Purple Pound in the business world.
Gavin highlights the importance of promoting disability awareness in businesses and the community to create a more inclusive environment.
The introduction of WelcoMe, a digital platform that allows disabled individuals to inform businesses about their needs before arriving, has been well-received and has the potential to revolutionise customer service for disabled individuals.
There is a great need for disabled individuals to be seen as business partners and consumers rather than solely recipients of charity.
Collaborations with major companies like Levi's and Curry's demonstrate efforts to prove the economic power of disabled consumers, known as the Purple Pound, by providing tailored services and training for staff to cater to their needs.
By actively participating in initiatives like using Welcome in businesses, disabled individuals can contribute to proving the economic value of the disabled community and advocate for more inclusive practices in society.
"It's almost like this whole hub. And it's crazy. And it's intense. You get to speak to people and meet people and something someone said to me at nadex was this idea of referring to people as pre-disabled."
"I just want to remove the barriers, which is what WelcoMe does"
"We need to get strength from other people. And I totally understand that, but until we get past that and start welcoming other people into our groups, we're not, all we're going to be seeing is a minority promoting our minority need."
Gavin Neate developed WelcoMe whilst working for Guide Dogs for the Blind as Mobility Instructor, in answer to the question, "Wouldn't it be easier if staff had access to disability awareness training immediately prior to a disabled person arriving?". In 2015 he left Guide Dogs and started his own technology company in order to come up with a solution. Although Gavin is currently non disabled he is acutely aware that one day he and others who who don't engage with disability issues will be, and is on a mission to engage them, and raise universal awareness of disability and the lives of disabled people.
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Apr 09, 2024
To celebrate 100 episodes of the podcast Brooke is here with a solo episode reflecting on the origins of the podcast and the importance of disability representation.
Brooke shares her personal journey of growing up as the only physically disabled person in her family and the challenges she faced in society's perception of disability. She discusses the impact of social media on changing the narrative around disability and highlights the diverse conversations she has had with guests on the podcast. Brooke also answers questions from listeners, revealing her surprise at the positive reception of the podcast and the impactful conversations that have challenged her own views on disability.
Finally, there's a big giveaway to celebrate the milestone, showcasing items from disabled business owners.
The 100th episode of the podcast includes a big giveaway with epic prizes from disabled business owners and allies.
The idea for Disabled and Proud stemmed from the lack of representation of disabled individuals in media and the desire to hear conversations between disabled people that weren't the typical extremes portrayed.
Social media has played a significant role in changing the narrative around disability by providing representation and community for individuals with disabilities.
The most impactful conversations on Disabled and Proud are those that challenge the host's own thoughts and perceptions about disability, particularly when guests are at different stages of acceptance.
Guests for Disabled and Proud are chosen based on their background, past work, success, failure, openness to conversations, and ability to bring a unique perspective to the table.
"I knew from a really young age that I had to be okay with my disability, because if I wasn't okay with my disability, other people were going to find it a bit difficult."
"No two people in the disabled world are the same. No two people in the world are the same."
"I think having those conversations with people who might be right at the very beginning of their journey or who have been in this journey for years and years and years and just still aren't necessarily there is always really interesting."
"I think they're the most impactful conversations when it's completely different to my point of view."
"I'm always really surprised when people open up to these conversations with open arms and listen and I'm always like I love it so much when people send messages in saying that this podcast has impacted them like powerfully."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Apr 02, 2024
Brooke is joined by the amazing Jason, a disabled artist, who shares his journey of acquiring a disability and how it transformed his life. Jason discusses his experiences growing up in a working-class family, becoming disabled at a young age, and the challenges he faced in the care system.
Despite the difficulties, Jason's resilience and sense of humour shine through as he navigates the art world and advocates for disability rights. The conversation delves into the importance of kindness, humour, and activism in the face of adversity.
Jason uses art as a form of activism, creating pieces that convey powerful messages about disability rights and societal issues.
You cannot overemphasise the importance of humour and kindness in navigating difficult situations and advocating for change.
Jason highlights ongoing challenges with accessibility, including inaccessible venues and the need for reasonable adjustments.
Jason draws inspiration from artists like Philip Guston and Frida Kahlo, using art as a medium to express personal experiences and societal commentary.
"I became disabled as well in 1980, which was apparent. I was told as well that it was the best year to become disabled because it was the international year of disability."
"There's so much to be said from creating art, particularly from pain points in our life. And I think that it's really laudable for you to almost put that on display, because even though it might not look exactly how it was, you know, it's not like it's realism."
"I always say, when I became disabled, it was a transformative experience. So very working class background, like I said, not much money, but I was introduced to education in a big way."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Mar 27, 2024
Brooke is joined by special guest, Lydia, to discuss her journey as an autistic individual and author, shedding light on the challenges faced by disabled individuals in society.
She talks about her experience with multiple disabilities, including autism and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on her health. Lydia shares insights on the lack of understanding and support for hidden disabilities, emphasising the need for inclusive and accessible resources. She delves into the creation of her Autism Friendly Cookbook, highlighting the importance of making cooking accessible for individuals with diverse needs, and touches on the complexities of inclusivity and the limitations of trying to cater to every aspect of neurodiversity.
Everything has an opposite, and the opposite of inclusion is exclusion. Despite efforts to be inclusive, there will always be someone left out.
The cookbook "Autism Friendly Cookbook" addresses the lack of accessibility in traditional cookbooks for individuals with hidden disabilities, making cooking more accessible.
The decision to focus on autism in the cookbook rather than a broader neurodiversity approach was influenced by commercial viability and the need for a cohesive and targeted message.
Acknowledging the limitations of inclusivity and the need for targeted solutions rather than trying to cater to every possible individual, recognising that not everyone will fit the bill.
"Disabled people are not your free resource. we don't it's just this idea of I still have people who come up to me complete strangers who go oh what happened to you because they don't they don't have the language to talk with nuance."
"Everything has an opposite. So the opposite of inclusion is exclusion."
"It was published in November 2022. It's since won two awards at the Gore, I think it's pronounced the Gorman Awards. It's gone viral on TikTok. It's now a pilot course that I'm teaching down in Sussex."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Mar 20, 2024
Brooke is joined by guest, Luis Canto, who discusses his experiences with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and the challenges he faced growing up in South Africa. Luis shares his journey of diagnosis, medical treatments, and the societal perceptions of disability in both South Africa and the UK. He emphasises the importance of equity over equality in providing support for individuals with disabilities and highlights the need for empowerment and advocacy within the disabled community.
We must keep advocating for equity rather than equality, emphasising the need to provide individuals with what they specifically need, tailored to their unique circumstances.
Luis' journey showcased the significance of personal growth and resilience in overcoming challenges and realising one's potential, serving as an inspiration for others facing similar obstacles.
Contrasts between how South Africa and the UK view disability are discussed, emphasising the need for societal shifts in perception and treatment of individuals with disabilities.
It's important to support and uplift one another in order to provide empowerment through mentorship
"I think the NHS gets a lot of flak, but there is a lot of positive things that the NHS does for the UK."
"It's about giving people what they need and not saying, well, we're giving everyone this, because that's what we're supposed to be."
"I think that the reason why I do what I do is I just want to make sure that everyone just has the best start in life or at least the best opportunity in life to do what they want to do."
"And just to put into context how close we are to that, recently, and I'm talking two weeks ago, so we're in February now, about two weeks ago, Bristol Council had... they would lock you away."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Mar 13, 2024
Brooke is joined by Abbie, who shares her journey as a disabled woman with cerebral palsy in the film and TV industry. She discusses her experiences growing up with hemiplegia, a type of cerebral palsy affecting one side of her body, and talks about the challenges she faced in school, the lack of support from medical professionals, and her journey towards self-acceptance and confidence.
Abbie has developed resilience and stubbornness over time, allowing her to speak out and advocate for herself and others in the face of ignorance and ableism.
There is great value in finding a community of people with similar lived experiences.
Abbie has learned to be unapologetic about her disability and not hide parts of herself, leading to increased confidence and self-acceptance.
Use your platform for advocacy and allyship. This is how we encourage everyone to use their voices for positive change.
"I have cerebral palsy. The two default responses I get are 'What's that?' or 'Oh, my mum's cousin's mate has that and you don't look the same as them.'"
"I think little me would be proud of bigger me now for all the stuff I've done and the fact that I'm not hiding anymore."
"I think something that has really helped me, particularly in the last couple of years, is finding my community as well, like finding other people with lived experience who are a similar age to me."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Mar 06, 2024
Brooke engages in a candid discussion with special guest Nick Wilson about his journey with disability, exploring topics such as self-identity, mental health, and the challenges of navigating a world that is often inaccessible.
Through an authentic and frank discussion, they aim to promote inclusivity, understanding, and positivity within the disabled community, via a heartfelt and enlightening exploration of disability and resilience.
Understanding and accepting one's identity within the disability community is a journey that evolves over time, influenced by personal experiences and societal classifications.
The importance of self-reflection and learning from past traumas to better understand one's emotions and behaviors, leading to personal growth and resilience.
The power of vulnerability and authenticity in sharing one's story, creating connections and reducing feelings of isolation among individuals facing similar challenges.
The impact of kindness and genuine human connection in supporting those struggling with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts, emphasising the importance of reaching out and offering support.
The value of difficult conversations and raw honesty in raising awareness, promoting inclusivity, and making individuals feel seen and heard in a society that often overlooks their struggles.
"I think the biggest thing that I am proud of myself is how I've learned to be a better person."
"I've seen the beauty of kindness, of gratitude, of belief, of community support, of true love from a stranger to a stranger."
"I'm incredibly humbled, honoured. I can't find a word for when I get a message and they say, just listening to your story or you just saying this truth helps."
"There's a lot to be said in being able to hold space for other people from a place of experience, and not just saying something for the sake of it."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Feb 28, 2024
Brooke is joined by Ashley Young, one of the stars of 2023 mega-hit, Barbie, to share personal stories and insights on topics such as disability, motherhood, relationships, and representation in the media. Ashley and Brooke highlight the importance of resilience, determination, and self-acceptance in the face of societal challenges, and embark upon a conversation that is both enlightening and empowering, offering a fresh perspective on navigating life with a disability.
Resilience and determination are key traits that help us to navigate rejection and challenges in their lives.
Representation in media for individuals with disabilities is limited and often focuses on simplistic portrayals, such as amputees or wheelchair users.
Dealing with online hate and inappropriate messages, especially from devotees, has been a common and distressing experience for many with disabilities in media.
It's vital to set boundaries and not engage with inappropriate behaviour, whether online or in person.
"I think my main goal in life, and I've always said this, is to kind of pave a way for the younger kids who have limb differences."
"I feel like rejection is something that teaches you something in the end. Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe it just wasn't for me."
"I think resilience and determination kind of come hand in hand with disability, particularly if you've been a disabled child."
"I'm not like a mom influencer kind of in any way. I try and keep my child off the internet because it's already weird for children."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Feb 21, 2024
Brooke talks to Chris Lynch about topics such as language, the social model, childhood experiences, and the impact of disability on career choices.
Brooke and Chris speak openly and honestly, reflecting on their journey of self-acceptance and navigating the challenges of disability. They also address broader societal issues, emphasising the need for education and inclusion to create a more accepting and accessible world.
Brooke and Chris highlight the importance of embracing one's disability and finding strength in personal experiences.
The conversation showcases the diversity of experiences within the disabled community, with guests sharing personal stories and perspectives on disability, relationships, and career choices. This diversity highlights the individuality and uniqueness of each person's journey.
Education plays a crucial role in shaping perceptions of disability and promoting inclusion. There's a need for early education on disability to normalise differences and foster acceptance from a young age.
Technology is allowing for the participation of disabled individuals in the film industry. This innovation represents a significant step towards creating more inclusive and accessible opportunities for disabled filmmakers and professionals.
"I think one of the things where, especially my whole thought process in really analysing this has been from a place of the difference that I have with my disability over others and the considerations that I have to make in terms of my own safety."
"Kids are naturally so curious."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Feb 14, 2024
Brooke welcomes special guest, Ruth Rathblott to discuss the concept of "unhiding." Ruth shares her personal experiences of living with a limb difference and the challenges she faced in accepting and embracing her disability. They discuss the different perspectives within the disability community regarding terminology and identity, highlighting the importance of individual experiences and the need for open dialogue.
Ruth also reflects on her childhood, where she initially didn't see herself as different until a pivotal moment in high school. They delve into the impact of societal beauty standards on individuals with disabilities and the lack of representation in media. The conversation explores the journey of unhiding, which involves acknowledging, finding support, building a community, and ultimately sharing one's experiences to help others.
Acknowledging and accepting one's disability or difference is an important step towards self-acceptance and building deeper connections with others.
Finding a trusted person to share one's experiences with can provide support and help in the journey of unhiding.
Building a community of individuals with shared experiences can create a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of loneliness.
Sharing one's experiences and story can help others who may be going through similar struggles and create a sense of connection and understanding.
Representation and visibility of diverse experiences, including disability, in media and society is crucial for breaking down stereotypes and promoting acceptance and inclusion.
"I think my hand has been my greatest struggle and it's my greatest gift because it also allows me to connect with people."
"I think hiding, for me, is the problem. And it affects us in so many ways. And then unhiding becomes the bridge to connection, to self-acceptance, to leadership."
"I think sometimes with disability, we don't allow for the questions... So why not be able to ask a question to me if you're wanting to build a relationship with me?"
"I really welcome your prayers. They're not gonna do anything for the growth of this if that's what you're praying for, but I accept all prayers because there are things in my life that I wanna grow."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Feb 07, 2024
Brooke engages in a candid conversation with Paul Swain, who acquired a disability later in life. Paul shares his experience of losing an arm and his unique perspective on accepting his disability.
Paul reflects on the societal acceptance of disability and the attention-seeking behaviour that some individuals exhibit, before delving into the challenges of adapting to life with a disability, from relearning everyday tasks to dealing with phantom pain. The conversation touches on the resilience and acceptance that comes with being disabled, as well as the societal curiosity and misconceptions surrounding disability.
Paul struggles with accepting the loss of his arm, but has learned to embrace the honesty, instead of feeling forced to simply accept it.
Disability is definitely an individual thing, and each person must go through it and accept it in their own way
Paul feels that sometimes, people use their disability to curry favour or influence behaviour.
Accepting our disability is something we have to come to on our own. We should not simply feel as though we have to be happy and proud about our circumstances because society expects us to
"I don't really particularly accept the loss of my arm... I always cover it up, it's always covered up."
"I try not to let it play a part in my life and just carry on... but everybody relates to their disability incredibly individually."
"I think sometimes people believe that the acceptance of disability is so much better now than it ever was... I think there's also an element of people believe they should say that they accept disability and so that's what they do."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Jan 31, 2024
Brooke is joined by special guest, Saadiya Yusuf, who shares her experience of living with sickle cell anaemia, a genetic blood disorder. Saadiya explains the challenges of describing the condition to others and the importance of maintaining medical autonomy, as well as discussing its impact on red blood cells, oxygen levels, and the occurrence of painful episodes known as sickle cell crisis.
Saadiya also addresses the issue of fatigue and the impact of sickle cell on childhood and teenage years, reflecting on the process of understanding and accepting her condition, as well as the resilience she has developed.
Sickle cell anaemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the shape and function of red blood cells.
People with sickle cell anaemia experience severe bouts of pain called sickle cell crisis, which can last from a day to a month.
Sickle cell trait is when a person carries one copy of the sickle cell gene but does not have any symptoms.
Resilience is a key trait for individuals with sickle cell anaemia, as they often have to navigate challenges and manage their condition.
It is important to prioritise self-care and not feel guilty about taking time for rest and managing one's health.
"I think there is a misconception I think with doctors and kind of like going to the hospital that it's just a black disease or just like a black condition and I understand where that comes from but I think it can be quite dangerous to kind of categorise a condition that way because medical racism plays a part in everything."
"I definitely say to kind of or thinking about entering the corporate world to look for companies and organisations that really value inclusion and have kind of like processes in place to help people to help their staff with disabilities."
"I think it's definitely a journey, especially if you've had a disability all your life, but society and the way society is set up will make you feel like you shouldn't be proud of it."
"I understand the desperation of wanting like, oh, there must be something, you know. And I think a lot of those so-called doctors kind of pray on that desperation."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Jan 24, 2024
Brooke is joined by special guest, Peter, to discuss his experience living with cerebral palsy and profound hearing loss.
Peter shares his childhood experiences, including attending a preschool for disabled children and being placed in a deaf unit at school. He talks about his educational journey, from primary school to university, and how he navigated exams and coursework as a disabled student.
Peter also opens up about his passion for the Paralympic sport of Boccia and his journey as an athlete and coach. The conversation delves into the challenges of classification in Paralympic sports and the impact it had on Peter's athletic career.
Peter had a positive educational experience, attending a preschool for disabled children and later mainstream schools with accommodations for his hearing impairment.
Peter's first language is British Sign Language (BSL), but he primarily communicates through speaking due to his clear speech abilities.
Peter has been involved in the sport of boccia, a Paralympic sport similar to bowls, and has competed nationally and internationally.
Peter emphasises the importance of not rushing into decisions, taking time to evaluate and consider options, and maintaining a positive attitude. He also highlights the need for open conversations about mental health and the importance of body language in communication.
"I was born three months premature. I was about to say that I blame my parents actually for that. But I can't actually blame them for that."
"Disabled children particularly like in childhood you have a very different childhood."
"I was put in reception year 1 and year 2 in a deaf unit... But in those early years, it was very much the deaf part of me being the focal point."
"I was fairly lucky in terms of that... I was very, very lucky and no one ever chose me, different, especially in a wheelchair as well."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Jan 17, 2024
Brooke talks to Laura from Casual Ableism, a popular Instagram account that raises awareness about ableism through humour and truthfulness.
Laura talks about her personal journey with disability, from being diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at a young age to navigating the challenges of school and societal perceptions. She also shares their experiences of embracing her disability and finding empowerment through understanding and acceptance.
Casual Ableism is a social media platform that raises awareness about ableism and provides a community for individuals with disabilities.
Disability is not a one-size-fits-all experience, and it is important to recognise and respect the unique experiences and perspectives of each individual.
It is okay to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by the challenges of disability, and it is important to give yourself permission to feel and process those emotions.
Finding a supportive community of friends and allies who accept and understand you for who you are is crucial for navigating the challenges of disability.
Adapting and finding solutions that work for you is key in overcoming barriers and moving forward in life with a disability.
"I think sometimes we have to take a bit of tragedy with humour."
"I'm definitely proud to say I'm disabled and have a physical disability."
"It's progressive. And for a lot of people, it can be stable for lots of years and then it can progress or it can develop later on in life."
"It's okay to have those moments where you don't feel proud to be disabled, or you don't feel like it's kind of, oh, it's fine, you know, I'll just get on with it."
"Disability is not one size fits all. It's so individual for every single person." VALUABLE RESOURCES
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Jan 10, 2024
Brooke welcomes Jamie for a candid and heartfelt conversation about their experiences with disability. They discuss how they refer to their disabilities, including ocular albinism, ADHD, and autism, and the journey of self-identification.
Jamie opens up about their challenging childhood, navigating mainstream education, and the impact of internalised ableism. They also share their struggles with employment, the importance of finding supportive allies, and the transformative power of using their voice to advocate for disability inclusion.
Jamie's experience of internalised ableism highlights the impact of societal attitudes and stereotypes on disabled individuals. It is important to challenge these beliefs and advocate for self-acceptance and empowerment.
The support and belief of just one person can make a significant difference in a disabled person's life. Having someone who listens, understands, and supports can help build confidence and resilience.
Finding and using your voice is crucial. Disabled individuals should feel empowered to speak up about their needs, experiences, and emotions. It is important to advocate for oneself and seek support when needed.
The journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance is ongoing. Obtaining a diagnosis can provide validation and understanding, but it is also a continuous process of learning and unlearning. It is essential to seek resources, connect with others, and continue to explore and understand one's own neurodivergent identity.
Content creation and sharing lived experiences can have a profound impact on others. By creating accessible content and sharing personal stories, disabled individuals can inspire, educate, and connect with others who may be going through similar experiences. It is a powerful way to challenge ableism and promote inclusivity.
"Why is the issue on how we want to self-identify when the real issue is the systemic ableism, the inaccessibility, and the fact that we are treated the mess on but you want to talk about my right to identify."
"My career is now built on being a disability accessibility lead."
"I think it's have the confidence to say stop let me talk this is how I actually feel because a lot of decisions that was made for me in my life"
"I think it's being able to talk about emotions whether you're male, female, trans, non-binary, being able to have that conversation is such a such an important thing."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en
Dec 20, 2023
Brooke is joined by Dr. Hannah, a disabled and neurodivergent doctor, who shares her experiences with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and ADHD.
She discusses the challenges she faced in getting diagnosed with EDS and the lack of awareness and funding for the condition. Dr. Hannah also talks about her journey to getting diagnosed with ADHD and the impact it has had on her career in medicine. She highlights the need for greater inclusion and representation of disabled individuals in the medical field and society as a whole.
Dr. Hannah emphasises the importance of having a variety of acronyms to describe her disabilities, such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and ADHD. She proudly identifies as disabled and embraces the diversity of her disabilities.
The journey to diagnosis for EDS was challenging for Dr. Hannah, as the symptoms were often dismissed or attributed to being a woman. She was fortunate to receive a diagnosis while in medical school, but recognises the struggles that many others face in obtaining a diagnosis and accessing support.
Dr. Hannah faced initial challenges in navigating the medical field as a wheelchair user, but has found ways to adapt and excel in her profession.
Dr. Hannah encourages the integration of disability perspectives into broader conversations, rather than segregating disability as a separate topic. She believes that disabled individuals should be included in all discussions and have their experiences valued.
"I diagnosed myself and kind of turned up at the cerebrotology appointment going, well, I think I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type three. And she's like, yeah, yeah, you definitely do. crack on."
"I think it's about kind of going, life is awful, life can be bad, but how do we process that and take it apart and not being scared to do so, or at least making sure you have the support to do so as you go."
"I think it's really important that we claim our soft power... It's about kind of accepting all of that and going here is what I think, what do you think?"
"I think having the disabled community in my life has radically changed it in all the best way possible... because there are certain things that I used to think I was like, oh, I don't think that's quite normal or quite right."
Disabled and Proud is the show that brings listeners a different perspective on disability. Each week this podcast highlights an awesome disabled guest speaking about their own disability; why they are proud to be disabled and why they are proud to be themselves.
The conversations in this show will look at what challenges these amazing people face socially, mentally, physically and life in general. This show is raw, open, honest, funny, welcoming and educational.
Disabled & Proud does exactly what it says on the tin! And whilst we are creating this space for disabled people to be unashamedly themselves, without the need to conform to society, this is also not about toxic positivity. This show will be shining a big, bright light on disability without it being “Paralympic or pity”.
As you will hear disability is WHOLE, COMPLETE & PERFECT and whilst the topic of disability can be quite heavy - and we definitely don't shy away from the bad days - this podcast is also about having fun too! Our aim is to play a part in reclaiming the word disability - turning it from inadequacy to perfection!INSTAGRAM! https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en: https://www.instagram.com/disabledandproudpodcast/?hl=en