Are you a woman who is successful on paper but feels like something is missing? Ch*ngona Revolution is hosted by Erika Cruz, a rebel who left a 6 figure tech job to pursue her own unconventional path to success by following her passion that led to her purpose. Every week, Erika will bring out of you that BAD A** LATINA through her experiences as well as some of her friends to overcome self-doubt, family expectations, and lead with COURAGE.
Mar 04, 2025
This is your life - you are the only one who can decide if you should go get more for yourself. It’s great that everything looks amazing on paper, but to truly live your best life, it has to feel amazing IRL. That’s exactly what this week’s guest is striving for. She has a great full-time job, a great husband, and a great start to her career as a college advisor. But she wanted MORE. Yesenia wanted to keep traveling, to help more people, and to finally start working for herself. So she started her own company and started accepting clients - all while coming to terms with her identity and what that means for her new life. Yesenia Bernal-Alcala is a proud Michigander with a heart full of wanderlust. She is the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and a first-generation college graduate. Her journey of breaking barriers and challenging the status quo has shaped her mission: to help others transform their dreams into reality. Now, she’s embracing her next chapter: learning how to become her own jefa in her health, finances, and career—all while empowering others to do the same. Yesenia’s dedication to nonprofits, grassroots organizations, and social justice led her to create YBA Transformations LLC, where she helps small organizations transform their impact with effective project management strategies. Yesenia inspires others to take bold steps toward their dreams through her work, travels, and story. In this week’s episode, Yesenia joins us on the podcast to tell us all about her transformative journey from working a 9-5 to starting her own business. Through Courage Driven Latina, she’s been able to find confidence in herself, accept her identity in its entirety, and start accepting clients through her new business. It hasn’t always been easy, but Yesenia is pushing through the doubt and making it happen. Follow Yesenia on: Instagram @yeseniabernal37 LinkedIn: Yesenia Bernal-Alcala Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Feb 25, 2025
So many of my clients struggle with, first of all, knowing what they want to do next, and then being married to that decision for the rest of their lives. They think that they’ll be stuck behind the confines of the decisions they make right now. But it’s not true! This is the beginning of your next evolution and you can always keep evolving! This concept can be hard to imagine, so this week I invited a very special guest to show you what always evolving can look like. Amy Landino is an entrepreneur, bestselling author, and award-winning host of the popular YouTube series AmyTV. For over a decade, Amy has been a leading authority on getting digital attention and is a trusted educator by global brands, including Adobe, Oracle, Audible, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, Intuit Quickbooks, and many more. An internationally renowned public speaker, Amy is a professional coach on how to leverage digital tools to increase brand awareness and build a profitable and sustainable business. In this week’s episode, we have a very special guest. My (unofficial) mentor Amy Landino is joining me on the podcast! I’ve been following her on YouTube for over ten years and I’ve been on her podcast not once, but twice. Now she’s joining me on my podcast to talk about all things entrepreneurship, what she does when she’s feeling stuck, and how she finds the passion to take action. Follow Amy on: Instagram @schmittastic Youtube @AmyTV Website: amylandino.com Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Feb 18, 2025
That feeling you have pushing you towards your purpose is giving you permission to go for it. You don’t need anything else to validate your thoughts, you just have to go for it. No matter what anyone else thinks. This week’s guest is Miriam Corona, a life coach and a Courage Driven Latina alum. Miriam has years of leadership and security experience at Microsoft’s Data Center under her belt, as well as a background in Human Resources. During her time at Microsoft, Miriam learned how to inspire and guide people to embrace new opportunities. Now as a life coach, she helps women step out of their comfort zones and discover the confidence that’s already within them without needing external validation to shine. In this week’s episode, Miriam and I talk about listening to that call you can’t ignore and stepping into your purpose. Miriam used to be held back by what other people would think of her. What’s more, she didn’t feel like she was the type of person who quit their job and started their own business. She didn’t think it was in her. Listen to this week’s episode to find out what changed and how she made all her dreams come true in less than a year. Follow Miriam on: Instagram @crownmiriam Facebook @crownmiriam LinkedIn Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Feb 11, 2025
Before I started this coaching business, I wanted to start a food blog. I was extremely passionate about it, but I wasn't putting any action towards making it happen. It wasn’t until my ex, my boyfriend at the time, called me out on my inaction. At first, I was offended, but then I realized that he was right. I kept talking about this food blog I was so into, but I was too afraid to start actually posting. I was stuck because I felt like I needed clarity before I started anything. I was researching blogging and taking notes on other people’s blogs and just waiting for the moment I felt ready enough to post on my own blog. But that feeling never came. And it never would! Clarity is not what I needed to start my food blog - action was. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about clarity and how to stop overthinking and actually start doing. It's time to take action and start working towards our most courageous lives. In this episode, I’m going to share my secret to manifesting my most amazing life. Here’s a hint - structured, perfectionist action doesn’t work but messy action does. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Feb 04, 2025
Living your life’s purpose doesn’t have to be this huge apocalyptic event in your life. You don’t have to quit your job and cut off all your connections in order to get closer to your life’s goal. You can start with what you have right now. So many of my clients felt stuck in this limbo of wanting to live for their purpose but not wanting to give up their whole lives for it. And the funny thing is, they never had to! Burning down your old life is not a requirement for starting your new one. You can start your business while you work your day job. You can write your book without getting an MFA first. You can do it, you just have to start. In this week’s episode, we’re going to be talking about how you can live your life’s purpose right now - no drastic changes required. Drastic changes in your life like quitting your job or getting an MFA are not what’s going to align you with your life’s purpose. What will align with your life’s purpose is taking it one step at a time. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Jan 28, 2025
Books have changed my life in so many different ways. Every time I want to make a change, or grow, or even if I’m just curious about a topic, I do a little bit of research and pick up a book. I can’t tell you how much good it’s done for me. Even just one book, the Alchemist, has changed the trajectory of my life three times! The Alchemist gave me the courage I needed when I wanted to break off my engagement, when I left my six-figure tech job, and when I decided to move back home. I needed a new perspective to give me the courage I needed to make those changes, and I found it in that book. Books are an amazing way to start your self-development journey. They’re accessible, convenient, and full of information. You can find books online, at your local bookstore, and for free at your local library. You can get a library card for a few bucks, or sometimes even free! Books are an incredible resource, and in this episode, I’m sharing a few of my favorites. In this week’s episode, I’m going to share the 10 books that changed my life and why you’ll want to read them too. I’m sharing everything from fiction to non-fiction, some books on creativity and discipline, and some books from authors I personally know! I also share their corresponding podcast episodes if you’re interested in learning more about their books and their journeys. If you’re ready to take the next step and start attracting your most amazing life, this episode is for you. Resources Mentioned: EP. 75: The Ultimate Courage Project: How Linda Garcia Pivoted to Teach POC the Stock Market with Linda GarciaEP. 113: Cultura and Cash: Managing Finances & Cultural Expectations w/ Giovanna GonzálezEP. 140: Become Financially Lit with Jannese Torres Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the "The Purpose Pivot" webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Jan 21, 2025
First of all, no one knows what they’re doing. It’s very rare that anyone knows exactly what their purpose is. That takes a lot of time and a lot of life to live so you’re definitely not behind. Don’t get too caught up in what everyone else is doing. In fact, most people we know are stressing out about feeling left behind and how everyone else is doing. If you’re feeling left behind because you’re not married, the married people are probably stressing out about their marriage, etc. We all feel like the grass is greener on the other side. So how do we stop feeling like we’re falling behind when we’re really not? In this week’s episode, I’m going to break down why you’re not falling behind - even when it feels like you are. To do this, I’m going to share a few examples of people who felt like they were falling behind, including myself, when they were actually exactly where they were supposed to be. You’re not behind, you just need to accept where you are so the Universe can tell you where you’re going. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Jan 14, 2025
The magic of mindfulness has gotten me through some of the worst times of my life. We know there are always ups and downs - in life, in business, everywhere. We know that balance is key and that everything will correct itself in the end. In those low moments, I spent way too much time anxiously worrying about all the worst things that could happen. Worrying can feel like strategizing, but in reality, you’re making your mind feel as if you’re going through the traumatic event you’re thinking of. So you’re actually making the worst-case scenario come true because your brain doesn’t know the difference between an imagined experience and a real-life event. Your brain needs a break from the negativity, and the best way to do this is to take a moment to be mindful. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about the magic of mindfulness and how you can use it to see the light in the midst of all the chaos. Last year when I was stuck worrying about my problems, I couldn’t think of any solutions to my problems. But when I refocused my attention on mindfulness, I was able to see the solutions that were right in front of me. And you can too! Listen to this week’s episode to unlock the power of mindfulness. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Jan 07, 2025
The scariest thing about losing your spark is that it can happen at any time and from any number of circumstances losing your spark can come from a toxic relationship, losing your job, or a passion project not turning out how you wanted it to. My clients have told me that they feel overwhelmed by these “failures” and that they’re not sure where to go from here. The word failures is in quotations for a reason, just wait. Without your spark, it can be really easy to start to question your worth, your power, and how you see yourself. But this is part of the cycle. We have abundance and we have lack. Our moments of lack do not define us, so stop letting it define you. So if this New Year is about getting yourself back to normal, that’s okay! Let’s take it one step at a time. Together. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about how to get your spark back after you’ve lost it. Life is full of cycles and transitions and your wins wouldn’t feel like wins if you never experienced hardship. Let’s go through these feelings together. With compassion and trust in the universe, we can find that spark again and know that it never left us. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Dec 31, 2024
It's the end of the year, we’re preparing for the next year, and I just want to say thank you for being here with us! This podcast turns three next year and that means three years of improving our lives, reaching for our goals, and being absolute chingonas! I am so proud of all of you, whether you’re new listeners or you’ve been here since the beginning. I hope to see you all next year too! As you know, this podcast is devoted to helping you reach your goals and make your dreams a reality. Right now, that looks like writing down your New Year's resolutions and making them happen in 2025. But you can’t rely on motivation alone to keep you going. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about why most New Year’s resolutions fail and how to actually stick to yours. Motivation comes and goes, but habits stick with you when the motivation has run out. There’s a science to creating healthy habits, and we’re going over it together in today’s episode. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Dec 24, 2024
If this year has taught me anything, it’s that ups and downs are a normal part of life. It’s frustrating, but it’s true. Some of my colleagues have had a very difficult year in business, while others have had their most abundant year ever. I didn’t meet my business goals this year, and while it’s not ideal, it’s not going to make me give up. And if you had a difficult year, it shouldn’t make you give up either. No matter how this year went for you, it’s always a good idea to take a moment to organize your thoughts. I actually encourage everyone to reflect and revise every 90 days. It's just the right amount of time to reevaluate, adjust, and lean into new habits that will improve your life for the better. In this week’s episode, I’m going to help you plan for the new year in a very simple way. I’ll be guiding you through a handful of journaling prompts and together we’ll be reflecting on the past year, resetting our expectations, and rising to the new habits we’ll be forming together. Let’s plan to make 2025 our best year yet! Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Dec 17, 2024
Chances are you failed to do something this year. Whether it’s starting your business or starting to date seriously after a divorce, we all have these projects we never actually get to. There is no shame in acknowledging what you failed to do. But I do want you to take charge of your life and actually succeed at your courage project. You can bounce back from failure and change your life in 90 days. Seriously! It’s completely possible. I know because I’ve had over +200 clients and I’ve seen them change their lives within 90 days. They’ve moved on to second and third courage projects and their lives have done a complete 180! It’s always been possible for them, they just needed to overcome their fear of failure and keep going. In this week’s episode, we’re going over the five reasons why you may have failed to achieve your goals in the past. Maybe you have attempted to reach a goal and it didn’t work out the first, second, or even the third time. That is completely normal, but it can stop people from trying again. I’m going to teach you how to face these failures head-on and keep going until you achieve your goals. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Dec 10, 2024
Now is the perfect time to start planning for the new year. We can start by thinking about how to make 2025 your most courageous year yet! The new year is the best time to take a leap of faith and reinvent yourself for the better, and the best part is, you don’t have to do it alone! Reinventing yourself doesn't have to take forever or be hard. I know this because I've taken all the wrong routes and reinvented my life so many times. I’ve learned a lot of tough lessons throughout the years and that’s why I'm going to show you what's stopping you from being courageous and how to actually execute your Courage Plan. In this week’s episode, you are going to learn what’s holding you back and how it's possible to change your life in 90 days. We're also going to go over three main strategies that have helped me and over 250 clients. So if you’re a people pleaser, an overthinker, or an overachiever this very special webinar is for you. And stick around ‘til the end of the episode for a Courage Driven Latina bonus offer! Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Dec 03, 2024
We are officially in the last month of 2024, and naturally, we’re all doing a little more self-reflecting. My clients and I are thinking about our goals, our dreams, and what we accomplished this year. But there’s always that little voice in the back of our heads that tells us we could’ve done more if only we weren’t holding back. Limiting beliefs, like the fear of judgment, keeps us from reaching our most aspirational goals. Naturally, we care about what other people think. It’s human nature. But at some point, we have to break free from the fear of judgment and stop caring about other people’s opinions. In this week’s episode, we’re talking about the fear of judgment and how to get over other people’s opinions. Whether you’re starting a new business, writing a book, or joining a coaching group, someone will have a negative opinion about it. It’s up to you to focus on your goals and see them through anyway. Resources Mentioned: EP. 132: Mother’s Day Special: From Poverty to Investor with Blanca Gonzalez Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the How to Make 2025 Your Courage Year webinar here. Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here.
Nov 26, 2024
This week’s guest spent years putting off her coaching business even though she was already giving away her coaching services for free. She pushed the business part of coaching to the back of her mind even though she had a line of potential customers asking her for her help. Patrons from her gym asked her for her advice because they knew they could trust her. Khay knew she needed to make a change, but she needed help taking courageous action. To start her personal growth journey, Khay needed to start trusting herself. Coach Khay is a mom of 2, a wife, and an experienced group fitness instructor. Coach Khay has been training and teaching kickboxing since 2001. She specializes in both small and large group sessions, as well as personal training. Her extensive experience includes instructing students of all ages, from young children to seniors. In addition to her kickboxing expertise, Coach Khay became a certified group instructor for TurboKick, a Beachbody program, in 2009. After a brief hiatus, she returned to teaching kickboxing and boxing conditioning classes at UFC Gym in San Bruno during the 2021 pandemic. For the past two and a half years, she has been a dedicated instructor at iLoveKickboxing in Brentwood, where she continues to share her passion for martial arts and fitness. In this week’s episode, Khay shares how she kicked through her mindset barriers by completing her courage project. Before she joined Courage Driven Latina, she was working through a ton of limiting beliefs all on her own. She thought she needed more certifications and qualifications before she started her own coaching business. Meanwhile, she was already coaching her patrons as a kickboxing instructor. She didn’t need any more certifications, she just needed to have courage. Listen to Khay’s episode to hear all about her personal growth journey and what’s next for her coaching business. Connect with Khay Mandap: Instagram: @ladykhay415fitness Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the How To Make 2025 Your Courage Year webinar Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here! Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here! Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Nov 19, 2024
There’s one mindset block that I don’t see anyone else talking about but it keeps coming up in the Courage Driven Latina program. It’s called passive action and it’s keeping ambitious women from fulfilling their wildest dreams. These are not crazy, unattainable dreams. These dreams are well within my clients’ reach. But because they find themselves taking passive action, researching for hours instead of taking actionable steps toward their goals, they're letting fear creep into their minds. We have to get over passive action and start fulfilling our dreams on our own. This week’s guest worked through her passive action issues and has fulfilled her dream of launching a podcast. Anahi Bravo is a First-Gen Mexican American and was born and raised in Houston, TX. As someone who comes from an immigrant background, she’s found a passion in helping the community. She is a social worker who supports unaccompanied minors, which has been a fulfilling and learning experience. During her free time, she enjoys working out and trying new hobbies. She’s also in her running and soccer era! She takes pride in being a dog mom and she enjoys spending time with family. In this week’s episode, Anahi shares her experiences in the Courage Driven Latina program and how it led her to pursue her dream of starting a podcast. Before she joined the program, Anahi was stuck in passive action. She knew what she wanted to do but never pulled the trigger and just went for it. She spent weeks researching everything she could about podcasting but couldn’t actually launch the podcast she was dreaming of. But with the help of an amazing like-minded community, she was able to get the courage she needed to finally launch the Querida Latina podcast, which is available now on all streaming platforms. Connect with Anahi: Instagram: @queridalatinapodcast Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here! Join the waitlist for the Magnetic Mastermind here! Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Nov 12, 2024
So many of us are going through a very difficult time right now. Whether you’re a woman, an immigrant, a member of the LGBT+ community, or even an ally watching all your loved ones go through this, I want you to know that I’m here for you. We’re all going through this together. To make sure that we, myself included, don’t fall into despair I wanted to dedicate this episode to what we can do in times like these. Now is not the time to take steps back or doubt ourselves. Now is the time to lean in. Even though everything feels like it’s all going wrong, it has never been more important to go after your dreams. There is so much that we can’t control. Let’s focus our attention on what we can control. In this week’s episode, we’re discussing why it is more important now than ever for women to start their dream projects and go after their dreams. This is our act of self-care in these unprecedented times. We need to advocate for ourselves - financially and socially. We cannot fall into despair because we have to protect ourselves and the generation after us. It’s time to give yourself the life you’ve always wanted. Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Nov 05, 2024
We are two months away from the end of the year, and my mind is already on 2025. I want to get so much done in 2025, but I also want to take the time to look at what I did and didn’t do in 2024. Let’s go on this journey of reflection together and see what we can bring into the new year. There are so many reasons we don’t start our dream projects. It could be external reasons, like our jobs being really hectic or just going through a breakup and taking time to heal. But what if none of those things were standing in our way? What if it’s internal, and the only thing standing in your way is you? In this week’s episode, we’re going over 10 reasons why you haven’t started your dream project. Your dream project could be anything from starting a podcast, negotiating your salary at work, or even starting your own business. You know what you want—now is the time to make it happen! Tune in to hear all 10 reasons why you haven’t started on your dream project and what you can do to combat them. Resources Mentioned: EP. 132: Mother’s Day Special: From Poverty to Investor with Blanca Gonzalez Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the Magnetic Method Webinar here! Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Oct 29, 2024
Is this what you want to do with your life? That’s the question this week’s guest asked herself right before she decided it was time to make a change. She did a full 180, quit her job, and broke up with her longtime boyfriend so that she could start completely over. At that moment, Jess decided it was time to take control of her life and start manifesting brand new opportunities for the life she actually wanted to live. Jess Jasso is a Self-Love Coach who began her personal self-love journey seven years ago when she chose to leave her career in healthcare management and her boyfriend. Jess was raised by a single mom of three, and she struggled to process her childhood trauma, as a result, she didn’t feel worthy of love. As she stepped into her new role as a self-love coach, she started building a community for women in Austin, TX, and led workshops & events centered around self-love and personal development. Her journey of self-love, self-discovery, and learning how to manage her anxiety led her to experience the self-empowerment she deserved. Jess is passionate about helping women on their journeys to self-love because she hopes they will experience the magic of it all! Her mission is to help thousands of women transform their lives by learning how to love themselves because she dreams of everyone living a life that brings true fulfillment and peace. In this week’s episode, Jess shared her experiences in the Courage Driven Latina program and the Magnetic Mastermind Program. In our programs, Jess found the guidance and the community she needed to manifest the life she wanted to live. During our time together Jess excelled at manifesting brand new opportunities for herself and her business, made lifelong friendships, and accepted her first paid client as a self-love coach. Tune in to hear everything Jess manifested and how you can join the Magnetic Mastermind program! Connect with Jess: Instagram @jesskindloveTikTok @jesskindloveYoutube @jesskindlove Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the Magnetic Method Webinar here! Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Oct 22, 2024
It’s finally here! A special thanks to everyone who tuned in for our live recording of the Magnetic Method Webinar. It was so great to meet all of you and answer all of your questions as they came in. If you weren’t able to make it, don’t worry. This week’s episode is the replay of the Magnetic Method Webinar! This webinar is filled with information you can use to take actionable steps toward your goals. This week, I'm sharing some of my own manifesting mistakes as well as which manifesting strategies actually work. I’m teaching you exactly how to embody the mindset of a master manifester and which limiting beliefs to let go of before they block your blessings. In this week’s episode, we are going to change your life with the help of the Magnetic Method. The Magnetic Method is all about how to build influence, attract opportunities without hustling, and leverage the magnetic method to grow your opportunities and leverage them in your everyday life. You're going to learn why manifestation is something that you can learn how to do. Manifestations is not just for a lucky few people - you can do it too! And stick around for the end of the episode where you’ll learn more about the 48-hour bonus offer! Follow Erika on: Instagram @theerikacruzTikTok @theerikacruzLinkedIn Website: http://www.theerikacruz.com How to work with Erika: Sign up for the Magnetic Mastermind here! Join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina here. Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.