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Well-Being Beyond Measure: Managing Stress [Session 4]
Well-Being Beyond Measure: Managing Stress [Session 4]

Well-Being Beyond Measure: Managing Stress [Session 4]

The fourth session of the Well-Being Beyond Measure series centers on understanding and managing stress. Whitney shares her personal experiences with stress, burnout, and learning to prioritize wellbeing. She discusses different techniques for handling stress, like distraction, mindfulness, meditation, self-affirmation, and resilience-building exercises. Whitney emphasizes the need to re-evaluate work commitments, downshift, and prioritize rest as crucial steps towards a less stressful lifestyle. Dealing with stress is an ongoing journey, which highlights the importance of connecting with others as a form of support and reminder of shared experiences.Resources mentioned:How to feel less stressedPrinceton University tipsWashington PostPositive Psychology Resilience ExercisesSlow Movement downshiftingTherapy Takeaway Substack02:19 Dealing with Stress and the Decision to Continue02:42 The Importance of Integrity and Self-Care03:26 The Reality of Stress and the Misconception of Perfection05:19 Different Types of Stress and Their Impact05:59 The Struggle with Stressful Work Situations07:54 The Role of Resiliency in Stress Management08:06 The Concept of Downshifting and Prioritizing Rest08:22 Exploring Stress Management Techniques09:44 The Importance of Distraction and Mindfulness

Well-Being Beyond Measure: Managing Stress [Session 4]

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