Celebrating our Melanated Magic through storytelling and candid conversations. Melanated Conversations was created out of the desire for a sisterly community that fosters positive and authentic expression of our voices on various topics that we experience daily.
Every Monday we amplify the voices and stories of black women and share our narrative of personal and professional transformation. We build community and culture through honest dialogue, share our lessons, and celebrate our successes.
This is Our Narrative, from Our Perspective.
Sep 20, 2021
Welcome to the season 5 wrap-up! We are so thrilled we were able to pull off an amazing season, even during difficult times. In today's wrap-up, we will be speaking about all of the fantastic guests we had on Melanated Conversations including how we were able to talk about Black education, beauty-line systems, pushing boundaries, Black women as the face of hospitality, among so many other subjects! Thank you for another amazing Season! Special Thanks to: Kalish Nesbitt Sable Mensah Fulmore and Brooklyn Pham Dianne Plummer Trenette Wilson Victoria Timpo Andrianne Lind Steve from Blues Clues for coming back with the apology we needed! and the movies that we watched within this past year! We want to give a special shout out and thank you to our podcast management team Crackers in Soup! Who knows if there would have been a Season 5 without them! Lastly, THANK YOU our incredible listeners for letting us tell unique stories for Black women! See you next season. ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Sep 13, 2021
COVID has definitely got us thinking about grief, hasn’t it? In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about journeying through grief. Grief is a dark subject to speak about, but it also feels good to talk about it! We tend to relate grief with someone’s passing, but truthfully different types of grief exist. Join us as we speak to your Season 5, Episode 78 guest Adrianne Lind in this important conversation! In this episode, we chat about: What role COVID plays in grief The different types of grieving Why transitioning is so important The importance of living the phases during grief Where can you find Adrianne Lind? https://blog.blackwomenineurope.com/ https://www.instagram.com/agonthednc/ https://www.facebook.com/AdrianneGeorgeDADNC/ Honorable Mention Listen to Episode 78 featuring Adrianne Lind We also want to share with you some of the resources mentioned during the episode: Coping with Grief and Loss - HelpGuide.org Helplines: In the U.S.: Crisis Call Center at 775-784-8090 UK: Cruse Bereavement Care at 0808 808 1677 Australia: GriefLine at (03) 9935 7400 Other support: Find a GriefShare group meeting near you – Worldwide directory of support groups for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. (GriefShare) Find Support – Directory of programs and support groups in the U.S. for children experiencing grief and loss. (National Alliance for Grieving Children) Chapter Locator for finding help for grieving the loss of a child in the U.S. and International Support for finding help in other countries. (The Compassionate Friends) If you’re feeling suicidal… Seek help immediately. Please read Suicide Help, talk to someone you trust, or call a suicide helpline: In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255. In the UK, call 08457 90 90 90. In Australia, call 13 11 14. Or visit IASP to find a helpline in your country. ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Sep 06, 2021
This week, we decided to do something a little bit differently. We are turning our mics over to our sisters in podcasting Bethany and Sharoline. We were a guest on their podcast Chatting Over Chowder. They are also the minority magic behind our podcast! In this episode, we chat about our journey into podcasting, our origins and insight of our joined connection, and so much more! This is such a great conversation and we’re so excited for you to hear it! In this episode we chat about: The history of Yana and Terrain with podcasting Building the brand and audience of Melanated Conversations The art of being you when it comes to podcasting Chatting Over Chowder can be found here: https://crackersinsoup.com/chatting-over-chowder/ Or on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chattingoverchowder/ ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Aug 30, 2021
Sometimes ya’ll, we just need to take a moment and to just be. That’s what we’re doing in today’s episode. We are settling down for a moment and checking in on our lives and seeing how you are doing in this place we call Earth. It’s been a minute since we have our separation in real life so we’re going to just be today. Sit back, relax, and let’s chill. In this episode we chat about: Our kids and how fast time is flying by If you had the choice to stay at home, would you feel more impactful for being in your child’s life in their teen years or early in their developmental years How cancel culture becoming a silencer and not allowing us to be true to who we are ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Aug 23, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voices of Kalish Nesbitt. Kalish helps beauty and wellness eCom brands scale quickly with ease while leveraging the best systems and team support. Do you have a business that you feel overwhelmed with and need help? In this episode, Kalish is here to help you create automated, functioning systems for your business to run smoothly. With her wisdom, knowledge, and “get shit done” attitude, she will provide all the necessary steps to grow your business. In this episode we chat about: Kalish’s roots and her role as CEO in her company The importance of self awareness in owning a business Kalish’s first business in owning a subscription box company Kalish’s process in creating a full, flowing and function system for businesses Where you can find more of Kalish Nesbitt: https://wellrunretail.com/ https://www.instagram.com/kalishnesbitt/ https://www.instagram.com/wellrunretail/ Podcast: https://wellrunretail.com/the-proactively-present-podcast/ ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Aug 16, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voices of Sable Mensah Fulmore and Brooklynn Pham. Sable is the founder and CEO for Equitable Outcomes, LLC which helps school systems disrupt unconscious bias in instructional decision making to close the opportunity gap and systemize equity for all black children. Brooklynn is a senior managing director of Leadership Development at Teach for America California Capital Valley, which works towards excellence and equality for all. Both women want to create systems that disrupt unconscious bias and cultivate high-quality instructional practices for educating our children. In this episode we converse about: How Sable and Brooklynn met The deep roots that Brooklynn has in her family regarding education What happened when Sable honestly called out her school for reinforcing racism and misogyny Why equitable outcomes is at the intersection of instruction and equity Ways to advocate for our Black children while they are in school Where can you find Sable Mensah Fulmore: https://www.equitableoutcomesllc.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sablemensah/ Where can you find Brooklynn Pham: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brooklynn-pham-m-a-28247820/. Ordinary Brilliance Podcast ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Aug 09, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Dianne Plummer. Growing up in Jamaica, Dianne always knew she wanted to be involved in science. Falling in love with science started when her mom bought her a toy chemistry set. Now as a STEM professional, her passion is to incorporate innovation in energy to help safeguard the environment. While living in Sweden, Dianne ran out of makeup and could not find makeup in her shade anywhere! So what does a STEM professional do? She created her own! In this episode we chat about: What sets "Your True Shade" apart from other product lines; Why it is important to use natural products on your skin and hair; Black women in the field of science; Why she chooses to lecture at a university and impact young minds. Where can you find Dianne Plummer? http://dianneplummer.com/ https://www.yourtrueshade.com/ https://www.instagram.com/yourtrueshade/ https://www.facebook.com/trueshadecosmetics/ https://twitter.com/yourtrueshade ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Aug 02, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Trenette Wilson, professionally known as Lady T. Lady T is a powerhouse of a woman who is all about etiquette. She’s a confidence catalyst, social historian and business booster, ghostwriter, former teen parent and the founder of National Association of Urban Etiquette Professionals (NAUEP). With Lady T’s expertise, she provides in depth knowledge of the etiquette space and her new book, “Royal, Black and Elite”. In this episode we chat about: Lady T’s pivotal moment that led her to the etiquette space “Royal, Black and Elite”: Lady T’s passion for exposing these incredible Black individuals in history The pathway to break into the etiquette industry Lady T’s tips for proper etiquette Where you can find more of Trenette https://www.nauep.com/ https://www.nauep.com/royalblackandelite https://www.urbangirlz.org/?fbclid=IwAR2yPyREP1p9i6wx_aoNpU7NNlhGqpckK8HHsHlxtuWJ5CDlZqIMQtVvmHQ https://www.facebook.com/nauep https://www.facebook.com/LadyTrenette https://www.instagram.com/lady_trenette/ ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: http://www.melanatedconvos Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/melanated-conversations/id1476387478 https://www.stitcher.com/show/melanated-conversations https://open.spotify.com/show/4HR78lP5hOhDcUcPCfsEEC Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Jul 26, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Victoria Timpo. Victoria is a walking, talking, breathing form of art. As a first generation Ghanaian American, she likes to call herself a curator of experiences! Being a trained artist, she works for a non-profit youth art center as an art coordinator. Victoria also created Kindred Creatives Collectives, a program for empowered black women creatives to retreat into the world of art. In the conversation, you will hear: How the desire for Victoria to have deeper connections, shaped the structure for her business Why collaboration over competition is one of her core values The different ways in which art is embraced in Ghana and American society. Ways you can connect with artists and purchase their creations The importance of community Where can you find Victoria Timpo? https://www.kindredcreativesco.org/ https://www.facebook.com/africanwomencreatives https://twitter.com/victoriatimpo?lang=en https://www.kindredcreativesco.org/retreat-details https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1952559 https://www.instagram.com/victoria_yawa/?hl=en Honorable Mentions Creatives Making Moves Podcast ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Jul 19, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Adrianne Lind. Adrianne Lind is connecting black women in Europe and Beyond. After moving to Europe in 2000 and to Sweden in 2006, she felt the strong need to make connections to black women in Europe. There, her idea was born: Black Women in Europe (B.W.I.E). After 15 years, B.W.I.E is continuing to shine and now includes an annual Black Women in Europe Power List that features and gives special recognition to black women who set the blue print for others. In this episode, we talk about: Being a black woman in this world trying to find peace How interacting in different sections of the world can have you second guessing yourself BLM being a global movement What "Fighting For Us" means to Adrianne Experiences of being black in other parts of the world Where can you find Adrianne Lind? https://blog.blackwomenineurope.com/ https://www.instagram.com/agonthednc/ https://www.facebook.com/AdrianneGeorgeDADNC/ Honorable Mentions https://www.democratsabroad.org/ https://www.the-prestige-magazine.com/2021/04/13/7-ways-the-new-georgia-voting-law-affects-minority-voters/ http://blackexpat.com/new/ https://www.facebook.com/womenoftheafricandiaspora ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Jul 12, 2021
Welcome to our first episode of our FIFTH season! We cannot believe we have met with so many amazing women and created so much important content. We could not have done any of this without our listeners and we are grateful! We are going to be diving into a little inside scoop of the wonderful women we’ve had the pleasure of connecting and speaking with during this season. We are also having a solo episode today as we are discussing why we’ve gone our separate ways and what’s been new in our lives since our last season. In this episode we chat about: Changes in our lives and how COVID affected our podcast. Home buying horror stories!? Thanking our loving friends for their friendship and support. How we adjusted getting back out into the world. Equal access for voting rights and Juneteenth . Recognizing and honoring incredible Black women on their achievements so far this year. Our future guests for this season. ......................................................................................................... Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Apr 12, 2021
Season Closer by Sophia Lenore Everything has its season – with opportunities to transcend or descend Although every season has it’s beginning and end - by His Grace, each season provides another chance to reascend As we reflect on this past season filled with thoughtful conversations, new collaborations and 2-year milestone celebrations. We continue to embrace, uplift & amplify each other’s voices while pushing the culture forward We do this to inspire & enlighten. To help educate the unaware & ill informed lost at sea due to systematic circumstance – a beacon leading you safely shoreward Thus everything has its season – with opportunities to transcend or descend And every season has its beginning and end Although sadden by its end - I rejoice because by His Grace, next season provides another chance to reascend - so until then Welcome to our final episode of season 4! We are so thankful to all of our guests this incredible season for their time, knowledge and wisdom. In this week’s episode, we chat with our recurring co-host, Sophie Lenore about the highlights and our takeaways from our guests. Thank y'all for your continuous support and love this season! We can’t wait to show you what we are bringing in you in season 5! In this episode we chat about: Summaries of our previous guests and what to expect when listening to their episode. The episodes that left us in deep thought and had Yana almost shed a tear. Why we have this platform that uplifts our women and all the great things they do. Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Apr 05, 2021
Pushing The Culture & People Forward by, Sophia Lenore What is Blackness? Is it a state of mind - or, a state of being? Do you love your Blackness? Or, is it just a fleeting feeling? Do you stand proudly in your Blackness? Or, are you quietly Black – not trying to intimidate, or shine too bright Self imposed flatness What is Black culture? Can you identify? Or, have you recused yourself? If so, why? Can you appreciate the beauty & uniqueness of Black culture? Or, do you disassociate, denounce and deny? Do you refrain from the culture because of public opinion? Or, due to self imposed cultural discrimination? A process of elimination The whole world covets & appropriates Black culture – cause our swag is undeniable Simply said – we are not perfect but “We Are The Shit” – Our people are so Godly & Spiritually lit Instead of practicing indifference – make a difference! Push the culture forward - Instead of peddling conformed deference. Are you in this to Win this with Us? Then claim it! Take accountability – push the culture forward! Are you setting a good example? Are you doing the work within & without? Or, just focusing on yourself while pushing northward? When you disassociate by turning a blind eye to the degradation of your own culture you leave yourself & your people open for total disintegration And without the people can We, You & Me really move forward? Do you really want to take that chance? Do you really want to avoid taking a stance? What does that future look like? At first glance – inaction may seem harmless Your just distancing from the group But when you just focus on yourself – instead of pushing the culture forward by exuding Black pride and personifying Black excellence you may find success, but like Kanye said then you’re always just be a Nigger in a coupe No social advance – is this how low your willing to stoop? Ep. 75: Pushing Our Culture and People Forward In this week’s episode, we are amplifying the voice of our beloved recurring guest, Ms. Sophia. Now, this conversation may trigger some people but this episode is filled with THE REAL: real deep, real heavy, real hard! In order for true change to happen, this is a must. Let's dive in and begin the discussion about moving forward as a collective. In this episode we chat about: Living your life outside of stereotypes Educating yourselves on the importance of black history and our culture The idea of having a leader and what that looks like for our people. Where you can find more of Sophie Lenore Sophia Lenore of Prestige Artists https://www.instagram.com/sophialenore/ https://www.instagram.com/prestigemaginternational/?hl=en https://twitter.com/Prestige_Mag Prestige Magazine https://www.the-prestige-magazine.com/ Honorable Mentions The Good Lord Bird John Brown Our Narrative from our perspective! Connect with us Click here to join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: www.melanatedconvos.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/melnatedconvos/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/literallyyana Instagram: www.instagram.com/terrian4reel DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: “Fly” Produce by Makaih Beats]
Mar 29, 2021
DO IT AFRAID! by, Sophia Lenore Where do you find the courage to lead? Is it hidden in the place where you store your passion to succeed? How do you push past fear? Do you simply keep the faith and hope to preserver? Why not stand in that fear – embrace it Turn it into motivation – Face it! We need leaders & politicians who are willing to take the leap – “To Do It While Afraid”. There is no time to waste – our communities are dying. A choice needs to be made. Are we just gonna keep waiting for someone else to some save us? Who would be more qualified to lead us then one of us? Who would have more empathy and concern for us than one of us? We need to put fear & self doubt to the side and just step up! Who said that our leaders & politicians can’t descend from our neighborhoods – step up! Who said for the people by the people is dead – step up! To hell with qualifications To hell with past infractions – step up! Nowadays everyone is a hustler of some sort with a air-tight plan to succeed, but no courage to lead – step up! Where do you find the courage to lead? How do you push past fear? Stand in it – embrace it Turn it into motivation – Face it! Believe me, the best part of waking up isn’t Folgers in your cup! It’s realizing that you have the power to save yourself and your community. All you need to do is realize it - and just step up! ********************************************************************* Ep. 74: The Future of Politics with Christina Romelus In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Christina Romelus. Christina is not your typical politician! She is the cheerleader that every community needs. Her family is her nuclear center that helps her go through day by day. With their love and support, she has found a passion for politics and wanting to change the world for good for her sons. She is a powerhouse and leader for stepping up in changing in the black and brown communities and giving the people what they need. In this episode, we talk about: How being a "boys' mom" started her political career. Christina’s mission to bring the right people in office to bring the changes that are promised from the start. Why mental health is the key to balancing life. Where can you find Christina Romelus? https://www.instagram.com/romelus_c/?hl=en https://twitter.com/romelus_c?lang=en https://www.facebook.com/CLRomelus https://www.politicalm.com/ OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts.
Mar 22, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Taiwo Aloba. Taiwo is an amazing author, poet, model, dancer; y'all, she does ALL.THE.THINGS! In 2016, Taiwo chose to leave Nigeria and move to the United States to follow her dreams. She has written a book of poetry and pose, Surulere Lagos, which encapsulates the essence of the vibrant, heaving city in which she grew up. Listen as we discuss her multi-faceted talents and how she uses them all to express herself. In this episode we chat about: Why it was important for her to write her story from her personal and deep experiences living through historic moments in Nigeria. Taiwo’s favorite artistic influences that spark her creativity. Why she was raised to "taste the world" since birth. Where can you find Taiwo Aloba? Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modelvoss/?hl=en Book Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/surulerelagoschapbook/ Purchase book from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Surulere-Lagos-Taiwo-Aloba/dp/B08HBKJY41 Honorable Mentions Niyi Osundare Wole Soyinka Taiwo Aloba Showreel YouTube Video OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats] ...................................................................................................................... Are you ready to start your very own podcast? Check out our 70+ page comprehensive guide that walks you through every step to get your show launched and ready for the world. We’ve taken our professional knowledge and experience in strategy, recording, editing and presenting into this comprehensive guide so you don’t have to spend months making mistakes you can avoid before you get started. Receive full-on support ranging from mindset shifting, content development, technical setup, recording & editing, and ongoing (strategies) after launch. Let's take you from dreaming to streaming so that you can powerfully share your message while achieving your next level of success. Get your copy at: https://gum.co/launchpad-ebook
Mar 15, 2021
Oral Manifestations by, Sophia Lenore To my melanated family My Black and Brown people – My minorities Why are we so misguided and ignorant to what’s really important? Where are our priorities? We must take responsibility for our own health and well being – while simultaneously dismantling the institutional racism within the healthcare system – we must make a fuss! Because ‘the powers that be’ are on a covert mission to kill you, me & us! Dental health disparities continue to have detrimental effects on the Black and Brown communities – causing sever health problems and even death. Your mouth is apart of your body - So oral hygiene is a vial part of your overall health. Bacteria, infections and disease can build up and invade your bloodstream through your mouth with every breath. So we must remain vigilant while taking accountability and responsibility for our health & oral hygiene – which is tremendously more important than our hair Our skin Our nails Our eyebrows And our fashion obsessions We must reprioritize our lives to focus on what’s most important – this includes placing your health before vanity and material possessions. This includes remaining educated and well versed This includes putting your life & health first … Ep. 72: A Mouthful of Wisdom with Sheriese Ferguson In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Sheriese Ferguson, RDH! Sheriese Ferguson knows oral health is overall health. From a young age, her parents taking her to the dentist regularly made a lasting impression. She knew then she wanted to work in dental health. When she found herself working in finance for twelve years, she began getting burnt out and decided it was time to do what she always wanted to do: work in the dental field. In this episode, we conversate about: The percentage of dentists that are minorities The correlation of oral and heart health How your medical history presents itself in your mouth Where can you find Sheriese Ferguson? https://www.amouthful.net/ https://www.instagram.com/_mouth.ful_/ https://www.facebook.com/mouthfulrdh/ https://www.facebook.com/sheriese.ferguson/ Honorable Mentions Brown Girl, RDH: https://browngirlrdh.org/ The Global Foundation For Dental Healthcare & Awareness https://gfdha.org/ OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats] ...................................................................................................................... Are you ready to start your very own podcast? Check out our 70+ page comprehensive guide that walks you through every step to get your show launched and ready for the world. We’ve taken our professional knowledge and experience in strategy, recording, editing and presenting into this comprehensive guide so you don’t have to spend months making mistakes you can avoid before you get started. Receive full-on support ranging from mindset shifting, content development, technical setup, recording & editing, and ongoing (strategies) after launch. Let's take you from dreaming to streaming so that you can powerfully share your message while achieving your next level of success. Get your copy at: https://gum.co/launchpad-ebook
Mar 08, 2021
Descendants Of Freedom's Journal by, Sophia Lenore Where are our Black voices? Voices of intellectual, financial, and spiritual freedom – for which we bled & fought? Did they just disappear with united Black consciousness and progressive Black thought? Who is writing for us? Where are our Black journalists? Our Black media armies – and brave woke writers that swing their pens like a mighty sword? Where are the descendants of “Freedom's Journal”? The first Black newspaper launched in the 1820’s – when our voices roared! Who’s ensuring that we’re protected & well represented? Who will personify my voice? Your voice Our voice? While writing stories about Black joy, Black camaraderie and how we uniquely congregate to rejoice! We need and depend on Black writers Black researchers And Black commentators to fight the multitude of covert wars waged against us. Our stories & experiences are beautiful and vast – collectively we’ve healed from trauma –and have evolved our past. So, calling all young Black voices equipped with ready pens – to write stories that highlight Black excellence, perseverance & health awareness en masse - Because we’ve progressed past stories of “The Back of The Bus”. And now we need Black voices that represent Me as We - They as Us. - Pan Africa In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Quiana Darden! Quiana Darden is an elementary school teacher turned full time copywriter. She had established her authority in content marketing by helping multi-million dollar corporations and industry experts with their business content. She now helps solopreneurs confidently create content with connects and coverts. In this episode, we conversate about: Quiana’s journey from side hustle to full time copywriter What does she do if she hits the dreaded “writer’s block” Why it’s important to develop your marketing and strategy systems to run your business Where can you find Quiana Darden? https://www.quianadarden.com/ https://www.facebook.com/QuianaADarden/ https://www.instagram.com/quianaadarden/ WOC discount code: MELANATED CONVOS OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats] ...................................................................................................................... Are you ready to start your very own podcast? Check out our 70+ page comprehensive guide that walks you through every step to get your show launched and ready for the world. We’ve taken our professional knowledge and experience in strategy, recording, editing and presenting into this comprehensive guide so you don’t have to spend months making mistakes you can avoid before you get started. Receive full-on support ranging from mindset shifting, content development, technical setup, recording & editing, and ongoing (strategies) after launch. Let's take you from dreaming to streaming so that you can powerfully share your message while achieving your next level of success. Get your copy at: https://gum.co/launchpad-ebook
Mar 01, 2021
Between Us By Sophia Lenore If I fall - she catches me. When I stumble - she grabs my hand. She’s my confidant My safety net My right-hand woman My number one fan When I don’t know the way - she does the research to guide me. Through triumphs and failures During moments of embarrassment or disgrace - she’s right there beside me. When the pain and self doubt becomes too great - she knows just what to say More importantly, she knows just what to do to ward negativity away. She’s my support system My Angel My Sister from another Mother My other significant other My kindred spirit My Sister Circle - to whom I owe much merit Ep. 70: Aligning Your Sister Circle with Bethany & Sharoline In this week’s episode, we amplify the voices of Bethany & Sharoline! Bethany and Sharoline is the team behind, Crackers In Soup, a podcast production company. Crackers In Soup help women of color and true allies of women of color’s up-level their podcast so the podcast host can focus on their genius, recording the episodes while they focus on everything else: editing, show notes, graphics, etc. Bethany & Sharoline are also the cohosts of Chatting Over Chowder - a podcast where they concentrate on women of color in the podcasting industry and what podcasts they listen to….while we eat chowder. In this lovefest episode, we conversate about: How Bethany left the corporate world to begin Crackers In Soup, a podcast production company The Universe always bringing you the people you need The gorgeousness of Women supporting Women Where can you find Crackers In Soup? Website: https://crackersinsoup.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bcrackersinsoup/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/crackers_in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1oxEb8jQlDIpLP_t87y_AA Chatting Over Chowder: Melanated Conversations Interview Website: https://crackersinsoup.com/chatting-over-chowder/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chattingoverchowder/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChowderOver Honorable Mentions Support is Sexy Mastermind Melanated Conversations Elayne Fluker episode WOC Podcasters Melanated Conversations Danielle Desir episode Podcast in a Box with Angie Jordan & Crackers In Soup OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats] ...................................................................................................................... Are you ready to start your very own podcast? Check out our 70+ page comprehensive guide that walks you through every step to get your show launched and ready for the world. We’ve taken our professional knowledge and experience in strategy, recording, editing and presenting into this comprehensive guide so you don’t have to spend months making mistakes you can avoid before you get started. Receive full-on support ranging from mindset shifting, content development, technical setup, recording & editing, and ongoing (strategies) after launch. Let's take you from dreaming to streaming so that you can powerfully share your message while achieving your next level of success. Get your copy at: https://gum.co/launchpad-ebook
Feb 22, 2021
In this week’s episode, Sophia Lenore is back! Sophia Lenore was featured in Episode 64 in Persistence, Hope and Thrive. If you didn’t get a chance, go back and listen. In addition to being a recurring guest, she has been dropping all of our poems this season in the beginning of each episode! Sophia Lenore is an Executive Producer, she is also the founder and creative director of Prestige Artists, Prestige Models and Prestige Magazine! Sophia is a true artist from New York who is a celebrity hair and make-up artist and has worked with the likes of Oribe, Billy B., Brad Pitt, Eve Mendes, Uzo Aduba and so many others! In this episode, we conversate about: How friendships change as your life transitions The friendship effect Friendships mirroring inner problems Where can you find Sophia? Sophia Lenore of Prestige Artists https://www.instagram.com/sophialenore/ https://www.instagram.com/prestigemaginternational/?hl=en https://twitter.com/Prestige_Mag The Prestige Magazine ......................................................................................................... Friends & Friendships, by Sophia Lenore What is a friend?Someone to laugh and converse with?A drinking partner?A self-prescribed therapist to fill the void?An incognizant martyr?What is a friend in its truest form?Someone who will encourage your dreams and share in your experiences?A loyal companion - who helps weather the storm. Truly ask yourself Do you have friends?Or well - acquainted fans? Confidants?Or gossip circles, that console you with pity parties involving tequila shots & beer cans/Or do you have healing circles? Equipped with prayer warriors and the laying of hands?True friendships are supposed to add value to your life. A true friend will remain loyal, reliable and respectful - while providing wisdom, encouragement, and a sense of refuge. So, if your friendships aren’t lifting you up - they could be tearing you down. You must be wise Assess your circle Restructure your relationships and REVER your crown ........................................................................................................ OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats]
Feb 15, 2021
In this week’s episode, we amplify the voice of Hannah McCall. Hannah stumbled into clean beauty when she was introduced to Beautycounter. It exposed her to a world of information about the beauty industry & the lack of regulation surrounding our personal care products. Especially as black women. She created Clean Beauty for Black Girls because more than 75% of the products marketed to black women contain ingredients known to be harmful or potentially dangerous. Hannah McCall has built her brand on the following belief: “We deserve the truth because our health matters”! What you’ll learn: How Hannah becoming a wine ambassador led her to create sustainable change in the beauty industry What transitioned this former tomboy to speak to Congress about beauty products The exposure to black women in the beauty industry Connect with Hannah McCall: https://www.cleanbeautyforblackgirls.org/ https://www.facebook.com/cleanbeautyforblackgirls https://www.instagram.com/cleanbeautyforblackgirls/ https://www.instagram.com/sippinhannah/ Recommended App: EWG Healthy Living App ..................................................................................................................... Opening poem written & recited by Sophia Lenore of Prestige Artists & The Prestige Magazine Toxic Beauty, By Sophia Lenore Do you know what’s in it? Do you even care? Hence – do you love yourself? Value your health – nurture & protect every melanated cell? Or is it just hair? Failure to educate yourself about products you put on, or in your body will leave you with burdens to bear. Like early on-set puberty, fibroids, cysts, and more aggressive cancers – in our community none of this is rare. Poor choice of food & beauty products can be our deadliest culprits – or did you think Black specific malignancies & diseases just came from the air? We must remain vigilant as Black consumers in a White centered beauty industry. An industry that has yet to uphold a standard of care that is inclusive to the benefit & health of Black women. So, shouldn’t you know what’s in it? Your life could depend on it. The truth is whatever you place on your skin, or in your body ends up in your bloodstream. So, making the connection between healthcare and beauty care is about protecting your self – nothing extreme. So, let’s educate ourselves, choose better products, demand regulations and make vigilant brand awareness the new mainstream. ..................................................................................................................... OUR NARRATIVE FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE! Connect with us Click Here To Join The Melanated Conversations Collective Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/melanatedconvos/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/melanatedconvos Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melanatedconvos/ https://www.instagram.com/literallyyana/ https://www.instagram.com/terrian4reel/ DON’T MISS AN EPISODE OF MELANATED CONVERSATIONS! Click here to subscribe to us on Apple Podcasts. Click here to subscribe to us on Stitcher. Click here to subscribe to us on Spotify. Click here to subscribe to us on Google Podcasts. [music: "Fly" Produced by Makaih Beats]