The podcast asking music people, "What's your favorite carbonated beverage?"
Feb 10, 2022
When I think about [Squamscot Birch Beer] I’m so full of nostalgia from my childhood growing up in New Hampshire.
Music conjures up memories from the past, but it’s certainly not the only thing that bubbles up such recollections. On the latest episode of Bubble Bottles, Jesse James DeConto from the band Pinkerton Raid shares the sense of nostalgia connected to birch beer from Squamscot. This non-alcoholic specialty soda is a mix between cream soda and root beer. DeConto recounts feeling a sense of freedom and independence while heading off to the corner store with his own money to buy baseball cards and a Squamscot.
It came in glass bottles, which made it feel antique.
When DeConto and host, Sloane Spencer, finish talking about specialty sodas, they dip over to partner podcast, One Hit History to talk about his favorite one hit wonder, “Somebody That I Used To Know,” a 2011 hit for Gotye that features Kimbra on guest vocals. Two podcasts for the price of one!
I was fascinated by the production of it…The way Gotye and his team interwove acoustic instruments with samples and synthesizers was fascinating.
Thank you for your 5 Star ratings and hilarious reviews of our podcasts in your favorite podcast app. They make a huge difference in spreading the word. You can leave reviews for both Bubble Bottles and One Hit History with this double feature episode. We appreciate you.
Squamscot Old Fashioned Beverages
Pinkerton Raid Official Site
Pinkerton Raid on Bandcamp
Video for The Pinkerton Raid's "(Not All) The Boys Will Be Boys"
Video for Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know"
Bubble Bottles -- The Guests
One Hit History -- The Songs
One Hit History -- The Guests
Thanks to Charles Hale for this episode's show notes. You can follow his radio show Ajax Diner Book Club and look forward to his upcoming episode of One Hit History.
AI Transcript
Sloane Spencer 0:07 Well hey y'all, let's learn Spencer and you found us here at our new podcast called bubble bottles where we talk with music people about their favorite carbonated beverages. Thanks so much to everyone who has joined us in our launch. It's only been a couple of weeks and y'all are digging what we're doing. We also have a partner podcast called one hit history where we talk with music people about their favorite one hit wonders. We're gonna give you a double shot episode today starting with our bubble bottles conversation with Jesse James DeConto of Pinkerton raid. And at the end, we'll add on our conversation about his favorite one hit wonder stick around. One of my favorite things to talk about backstage with musicians and music people is about their favorite beverages. Often when folks travel, they're looking for something new and different in those regional brands. And regional beverages can be quite special or memorable, not always in a good way. So we're talking today with Jesse James DeConto of Pinkerton raid and when I first saw at my favorite music festival albino skunk Music Festival in Greer, South Carolina, they can be found at Pinkerton red.com. They've got a new single called magical flying rowan tree with an amazing animated video as well. Jesse James DeConto. Welcome.
Jesse James DeConto 1:22 Excellent. Yes. Really good to talk with you.
Sloane Spencer 1:25 My pleasure. So we were talking a little bit about favorite beverages. So I'll just hit you with the big question. What's your favorite carbonated beverage?
Jesse James DeConto 1:34 There's a small soda company, I'm going to use the word soda, which is going to tell you already that I'm from the northeast,
Sloane Spencer 1:41 you're not from Atlanta.
Jesse James DeConto 1:43 There's a small soda company called Swampscott in New Hampshire, and I love their birch beer, which is you know, kind of a take on root beer and cream soda somewhere in between. I love I should say I loved it really in the past tense because it's been...
Jan 16, 2022
If it's cold and fruity. We're happy with it. -- Allen Thompson and Keshia Bailey of the 12-person jam band, LadyCouch
How does a band of 12 people travel around and perform shows? With lots of snacks and bubbly water, at least if the band is LadyCouch. Keshia Bailey and Allen Thompson, two of the band members, discuss their favorite carbonated beverages — of which they have a lot.
That’s what makes us work with the crew of humans we have as well as we do. We have 12 stars in the band but they are in the same band and no one is the star of the band — we’re a constellation... a galaxy, if you will.
What are the dream bubbly water flavors of these two, plus host Sloane Spencer? Find out more by giving this episode a listen, and prepare to be extra thirsty thanks to these musicians' passionate opinions on drinks and life in Nashville.
80 percent of our group text thread is about a new flavor of bubblies: LaCroix or Wild Basin or Pickers. There’s no real good grape ones of any kind. Everybody f**** up a grape flavor, and the watermelon flavor too!
List of links
The Purple Building
Lilly Winwood
Hayes Carll
Jojo Herman Widespread Panic
Todd Snider
Bubble Bottles podcast playlist
LadyCouch Bubble Bottles episode playlist
Outtakes, bonus episodes, and sneak peeks
Beverage Mentions
Picker’s Vodka and Picker’s Unplugged canned cocktails (similar to Truly)
Wild Basin
White Claw
Jolly rancher in a Zima
Don’t forget to give Bubble Bottles a five star rating!
AI Transcript
SLOANE SPENCER Well, hey, y'all, this is Sloane Spencer. And you have found us at bubble bottles at the brainy podcast where we ask music people, what's your favorite carbonated beverage one of my favorite backstage conversations to have with folks. And these answers have been all over the place. I have a couple of folks with a band I have seen twice spread out pre pandemic. And then just recently as well, we haven't checked out lady couch yet you need to catch their brand new record. And they're on the road quite a bit as well. But have them introduce themselves. So you get a little bit of background. Hello.
KESHIA BAILEY Hello, I'm Keshia Bailey here.
SS tell us real briefly what's been going on with LadyCouch.
KB Oh Lord,
AT we just put out our first full length record on September 10. With Blackbird record label out of Los Angeles, it's called the future looks fine. And we've really just kind of been spending the last few months working on that and doing all the necessary things you're apparently supposed to be doing when you put out a record album.
SS Well, if y'all have not had a chance to see Lady couch, live, there are a number of folks on stage. And the core of the band is Alan and Keshia and their voices together are absolutely mesmerizing and memorable. And each amplifies the others like it, it will be a touch your heart kind of show. And that's not something I say very often like I really mean that truly, like I saw y'all recently, as we were saying, and it was like, Wow, this was really just an emotionally powerful moving experience. And so I think a lot of us are seeking that these days.
KB Oh my god. Well, thanks. I don't even know what to say for that. I mean, genuinely, it's a powerful and moving experience for me every time but I think I really got to feel it through Americana fest here in town for my first one this year, and it was nutty. So to hear anyone else feel the way that I feel is I'm pretty nutty but yes, it's strange. We cry a lot and we cry a lot sometimes in happiness and sometimes in what the hell do I do?
AT Well, so sometimes, you know, we're not exactly doing tear in our beer kind of songs these days. However, beverages are an important part of daily life.
SS So hit me what is your favorite carbonated beverage?
KB Well, we've got a couple you know, I love a good look for it right?
Jan 16, 2022
For those of us who are obsessed with bubble water, the same water in a different delivery is different. It totally changes the character of the bubbles, like how long it stays fizzy, like all of that stuff changes. --BettySoo, Texas songwriter who loves Tehuacan Tamarindo mineral water
Traveling as a musician means going places and experiencing a lot of things at once. Texas-based BettySoo and Sloane Spencer discuss what it means to travel on the road, tamarind candy and its uniqueness, plus BettySoo’s favorite carbonated beverage, Tehuacan Tamarindo, which derives from her love of tamarind candy.
There's kind of a unique cultural phenomenon to the Austin residency, and I think part of it, honestly, is that we have so many venues.
Beyond a shared love for carbonated water, they talk about the Austin music scene and what makes it special to be a musician there, how hard it is to get even nonalcoholic drinks shipped across state lines, and beloved Jewish deli sodas.
I love the connection like that, something that seems so simple as a flavored bubble water, is part of that whole experience.
List of links
Nobody's Girl (feat. BettySoo, Rebecca Loebe, and Grace Pettis)
BettySoo on Tour in 2022
Mexican Tamarindo Candy versus Indian Tamarind Candy
Khatti meethi imli candy
Phenomenon of Topo Chico freezing in bottle after opening
Satisfaction of a large burp
Bubble Bottles TikTok of Topo Chico bubble
The BettySoo episode playlist
The Bubble Bottles podcast playlist
Sneak peeks, outtakes, and bonus episodes
Beverage mentions
Tehuacan Tamarindo
Topo Chico
Polar Seltzer
Dr. Brown’s Celery Cel-Ray soda
Don’t forget to give Bubble Bottles a five star rating!
DISCLAIMER: These comedy episodes are for fun and are based solely on personal opinions of the host and/or guest, and do not claim to be fully factual or anything other than a belching good time.
AI Transcript, Good for a Few Laughs
Sloane Spencer: [00:00:08] Hey, y'all, this is Sloane Spencer, and you found us here at Bubble Bottles, one of our two new podcasts. This is where we chat with music folks about their favorite carbonated beverages. I've got a special guest with me today, somebody who I have been following -- literally following -- at shows around the country for several years now and have actually gotten to catch several times. And I guess the plus and the minus of the pandemic is that BettySoo has done a pretty cool online event that bubbled up during all of this experience as well. But it is a Texas songwriter involved in a lot of different projects, not only her solo career but also her trio Nobody's Girl who has a new album coming, by the way. I'm sure we'll talk about some of that and happens to be a designer of planners, so I am obsessed with planners and full disclosure: I purchased the planner and I use it regularly, so I know that's not really what we were planning to talk about, but I felt like I should put that out there. So BettySoo, welcome to Bubble Bottles. [00:01:07][59.1]
BettySoo: [00:01:08] Thank you so much. It's great to be here. [00:01:10][1.8]
Sloane Spencer: [00:01:11] Oh my pleasure. So give us a rundown on what you've been doing musically. [00:01:15][3.9]
BettySoo: [00:01:15] Well, you know, Nobody's Girl. We released our record a year after we thought we were going to release it because we had planned to go on a big tour in 2020, like so many other people. And of course, that didn't happen. In fact, our 2021 plans got kind of kiboshed by the Delta Surge and everything. But but we still got to do our CD release and, you know, got to celebrate it in some cool ways. So that's kind of been the focus for the last few years. I've got some cool projects coming up for 2022 and beyond. I'm talking about making a solo record with Will Sexton maybe doing a duets record with Michael Fracasso and touring again. So lots of cool stuff to come. [00:01:57][41.5]
Jan 16, 2022
Being denied sodas and sugary drinks as a child gave Sloane a particular affinity for unusual beverages, so a backstage conversation with Lizzie No inspired this conversation about 90s beverages from around the world. From New York to France, to somewhere in Eastern Europe, this week’s podcast is a trip down memory lane and the globe.
A few highlights include a debate on if Yoo-Hoo was ever fizzy, and a conspiracy theory about Yoo-Hoo and the Cold War — it’s not what you’d think! Plus, what is the perfect shade of chocolate milk, and what makes the better real chocolate milk: Nestle Quik powder or Hershey’s syrup?
Beyond the milk, Lizzie No and Sloane travel in their memories to England, France, and Queens, NY before returning to chat about Lizzie No’s recent musical projects including a release of her EP Holidays, the Basic Folk podcast, and her upcoming work on the Black Opry Revue at the legendary Exit/In in Nashville, Tennessee in December.
List of links
Lizzie No
Lizzie No’s Instagram
Black Opry Revue tickets
Basic Folk podcast
Beverage mentions
Four Loko
Free Rain
Eastern European cherry soda in Astoria, Queens
Strawberry Nesquik (previously named Nestle Quik, not a carbonated beverage)
Don’t forget to give Bubble Bottles a five star rating!
Sneak peeks, outtakes, and bonus episodes available on Patreon.com/BubbleBottles.
DISCLAIMER: These comedy episodes are for fun and are based solely on personal opinions of the host and/or guest, and do not claim to be fully factual or anything other than a belching good time.
AI Transcript
Lizzie No 0:09 This topic is hilarious and great to me.
Sloane Spencer 0:12 I'm obsessed with weird stuff and I didn't even know about your Instagram when I asked you this question.
Lizzie No 0:18 Oh my god yeah, I was just thinking of you a moment ago because I made carat and collagen smoothie for drinks that I chose to actually talk about when you asked me is like the actual opposite of what like in a beverage and that's the you know, the space between that's interesting. It's a hot mess Express
Sloane Spencer 0:40 Well, hey y'all Aslan Spencer here and you found us it is a bubble bottles and one of our fun new podcast where I asked music people what's your favorite carbonated beverage now a little loose on it here and favorite can sometimes have some serious air quotes around it. Today I'm talking with someone who I just recently saw at an amazing music festival if you can imagine an entire music festival full of well partied folks silently listening to every word a musician saying that's what happened when Lizzie no took the stage. So as you know, has a great EP that came out in 2020 called holidays. You should definitely check it out Lizzy no.com, also the co host of a great podcast called Basic folk. Welcome.
Lizzie No 1:22 Thank you so much for having me Sloane. I'm just pumped to kind of continue our backstage conversation from albinos gunk.
Sloane Spencer 1:29 Totally. So for those of y'all who don't know, I am obsessed with weird beverages. I like regional beverages, ones that like maybe aren't made anymore international beverages all kinds of someone's like, really, you drank that? But I see out when I travel. And I've discovered I'm not the only one.
Lizzie No 1:47 Oh no, I consider myself a bed clean. But I tend to like focus on the smoothie, kombucha health side of things. But I can also be known to dabble in like a weird, awful corn syrup concoction.
Sloane Spencer 2:02 So if you want to see some of the range of this you should definitely check out Lizzy knows Instagram. There's a whole segment dedicated to beverages.
Lizzie No 2:10 Yes, I do a highlight on like my different smoothie creations and then weird sodas I come across in New York.
Sloane Spencer 2:16 I'm a fan of the weird soda. I did my first cross country bus tour when I was a teenager.
Dec 01, 2021
What's your favorite carbonated beverage?
We ask music people that very question in each episode of Bubble Bottles podcast. From electric harp players pondering Cold War conspiracy theories behind Yoo-Hoo to jam bands with eleven different favorite flavors of LaCroix crammed in the van on tour, Bubble Bottles explores the fun, flavorful, and foul in our favorite -- or "favorite" -- carbonated beverages. Whether you love the drink or can't even look at the bottle because of broken hearts and bad decisions, we hope you find some new music to check out and have a good time.
New episodes launching late January 2022.
Sneak peeks, outtakes, and bonus episodes available now on Patreon.com/BubbleBottles.
DISCLAIMER: These comedy episodes are for fun and are based solely on personal opinions of the host and/or guest, and do not claim to be fully factual or anything other than a belching good time.
Sloane Spencer:
Well, hey, welcome to Bubble Bottles, where we talk with music people about their favorite carbonated beverages. I'm Sloane Spencer.
You might know me as the host of the long form conversation podcast called Country Fried Rock or the many decades of radio. In our new podcast, Bubble Bottles is here to achieve my secret life mission of turning you on to your new favorite band by asking the question, "What's your favorite carbonated beverage?"
I have a personal deep abiding love for weird hyperlocal ginger ale and root beer, and I've had this conversation backstage with many, many musicians over the years, and the chats have actually been so fascinating, I felt like y'all should get in on it.
You can find us over on Patreon, we are Patreon dot com slash bubble bottles or our brand spanking new website, Bubble Bottles dot com. It's fun to say, isn't it?
I've got another brand new podcast, where I talk with music people about their favorite one hit wonder songs. It's called One Hit History, you can find it in all the good places, including Patreon and One Hit History dot com. You want to find out my vibe? I suggest checking out some of our hundreds of past episodes of Country Fried Rock.
Go ahead and hit that subscribe button for Bubble Bottles. Lots more coming your way. Y'all come back now you hear?