Blockchain for Enterprise: how to drive value and overcome challenges on Supply-chain, IoT, and Self Sovereign Identity use cases.
Top Executives and Senior Engineers speak about their experience with blockchain implementation and we help you understand them.
Apr 19, 2020
Yaz Khoury Director of Developer Relations at the Ethereum Classic Cooperative walk through the Ethereum Stack
Yaz Khoury BIO
Yaz Khoury is the Director of Developer Relations at the Ethereum Classic Cooperative. His background is both hardware and software engineering spanning projects across robotics, space colonization, blockchain, machine learning, and data analytics.
He is currently the Vice-Chair of the Testnet Working Group at the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA)."
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ykhoury/
Twitter: @Yazanator
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Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Apr 19, 2020
Virtual Panel + Q&A
Before covid-19 we discussed the value of blockchain in every possible way, every conference, and meetup. Now that we are stepping in a long economic slowdown how can we sell blockchain projects?
If on one side governance has been so far one of the biggest challenges, on the other side, it might be possible that consortium based business models will be boosted by this crisis.
a) many initiatives funded by governments
b) private initiatives where companies for the first time accept
to cooperate rather than compete.
It is possible that we going toward a direction where companies will finally understand that the future of businesses is in open collaboration in order to be able to survive or stay relevant in the market long term?
Moderator: Laura Spinaci
Founder Blockchain Mentoring Lab
- Lisa Marks-Canty -
President and Managing Partner NEST Global Solutions
- Loudon Owen -
Chair and Chief Executive Officer DLT Labs
- Shannon Hamilton -
VP Sales North America, DTL Labs
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Mar 25, 2020
Where blockchain can play a role in this worldwide crisis we are leaving.
Read the article on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/worldwide-economic-crisis-does-still-make-sense-work-laura/
BIO Laura Spinaci
Digital & IT Transformation | Executives Advisor | Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab Founder
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
Linkedin - https://buff.ly/2RePMwi
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
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Feb 11, 2020
We spoke about his research on IoT identities and open blockchain and challenges that are meant to be sorted out through it.
BIO Youakim Badr
Dr. Youakim Badr is Associate Professor at Pennsylvania State University. Along the way of his research activities, Dr. Badr has worked extensively in the area of service computing and information security. His research interests lie primarily in the area of designing and deploying “smart” and “secure” connected devices and services for the Internet of Things. In particular, he conducts research activities on the integration of data analytic capabilities at the edge of the Internet of Things (Edge Machine Learning) to make the Internet of Things smarter from the flood of data generated by connected devices. In addition, he focuses on blockchain technologies to build decentralized digital identities and access controls for IoT devices and enabling user-centric security in decentralized domains and dynamic environments.
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
Linkedin - https://buff.ly/2RePMwi
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Feb 10, 2020
We spoke about his research about IoT and DLT as a service. The IoT challenges and how blockchain can help to improve the security between IoT devices exchanging data, the technologies have been used, and the go-to-market approach and main challenges
Dragan Boscovic BIO
Seasoned ITC industry executive and senior technology expert with proven track record in conceiving strategies and managing development, investment and innovation efforts as related to advanced technologies, products and mobile services. Based on extensive international experience uniquely positioned to release latent potentials and extract value within a global operation. Lateral thinker with broad exposure to different information and communication technologies/systems and very comfortable with attacking complex and multifaceted problems. Currently leading a consortium of four private companies that bring together their Security, wireless SDN, BigData Analytics and Interactive Video solutions, competencies and technology enablers to jointly address new business opportunities as related to Smart Cities, Smart Energy/Grid and Smart Health applications and services.
Specialties: Dragan has a wealth of experience that ranges across broad domains (RF and numerical electromagnetic, wireless systems and IP networks, a configuration of devices and system management, HW and SW architectures, blockchain data structures, data analytics, media delivery ….). Moreover, his experience spans academia (University of Bath, University of Novi Sad, Stanford University, Arizona State University), consultancy work to VC industry and general management experience acquired while serving Motorola business and corporate interests in Europe and USA ……
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/draganboscovic/
IoT&DLT as a service project http://www.agileiot.org/en/
ChainRider (offers an ecosystem of tools and services built around public and private blockchain which helps you prototype and builds proprietary applications on the blockchain in a fast and simple) https://chainrider.io/
Conceptualizing a collaboration framework between Blockchain technology and the Internet of Things
Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain as a Service for the IoT: Proof of Concept
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
Linkedin - https://buff.ly/2RePMwi
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Feb 08, 2020
Hablamos sobre diferentes tecnologías de blockchain públicas y privadas y las diferencias entre Hyperledger, Quorum, IPFS, Interledger. También hablamos sobre los desafíos regulatorios y la necesidad de continuar educando a las empresas sobre qué usar blockchain y casos de uso.
Nací un día del año 1974. Cuando tenía 11 años, fui al cine a ver "Juegos de Guerra", y desde entonces supe lo que quería hacer en mi vida: trabajar con ordenadores. A los 13 años me escapaba al Corte Inglés para usar los ordenadores de muestra y hacer algún programilla en Basic. Tuve mi primer ordenador a los 14 años, un Amstrad CPC 464, que junto revistas de la época, MicroHobby sobre todo, me entretenía más programando que mirando durante media hora como se cargaba un juego. Fue así como descubrí a lo que quería dedicarme de mayor: a realizar programas que resolvieran problemas, la parte de interface de usuario no me interesaba, si no había resultados que mostrar, no sería necesario mostrarlos. En aquella época el pensamiento era ese: los ordenadores servían para solucionar problemas complejos y no para mostrar datos con un diseño espectacular. Así que, desde muy pequeño, tuve una visión clara de qué quería ser y, con ese objetivo en mente, empecé a estudiar de forma autodidacta diferentes lenguajes de programación y posteriormente, finalizar las Ing. Informática Gestión, Ing. Informática Sistemas, Ing. Telecomunicaciones y Licenciatura de Matemáticas.
Mi vida laboral empezó de muy joven, a los 16 años en una pequeña empresa que montaba ordenadores PC a medida. Luego llegó mi primer proyecto freelance para programar la web de una empresa, efecto 2000 y cambio a Euro programando en COBOL, proyectos en JAVA 1.4 hasta JAVA 8 y finalmente, desde el año 2015, con tecnología blockchain y lenguaje de programación GO.
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
Linkedin - https://buff.ly/2RePMwi
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Jan 25, 2020
At the EU Blockchain Congress in Barcelona where Scott spoke about the DLT
Projects being run within ING. We discussed their work in research, specifically enhancing privacy through the use of Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and their application in the context of blockchain. He also introduced projects like Komgo, a trade commodity finance solution already live in production, as well ING’s focus on driving further DLT initiatives to production this year.
Scott King BIO:
Product Manager within ING’s Distributed Ledger Technology Team, a large area of Scott’s focus at ING has been from a research perspective, exploring topics key to DLT development and adoption. One of the key areas within this has been ING’s work on addressing privacy on DLT, through the use of Zero-Knowledge Proofs.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdavidking/
Projects links
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
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Jan 21, 2020
At the EU Blockchain Congress in Barcelona, we spoke about the overlap between blockchain and IoT, as an example Azure FarmBeats a business-to-business offering available in Azure Marketplace where customers and partners can collaborate together.
Pradipa Karbhari bio:
IT and Business Operations/Strategy Leader with expertise in the following areas:
• Enabling the Azure Onboarding of startups and partners across various industries/technologies
• Architecting for the Cloud, Edge, Hybrid Scenarios leveraging AI/ML/IoT/Big Data/Analytics/Blockchain
• Managing Global Cross-Functional teams
• Supply Chain Program Management/Consulting, Multi-Phased Roadmaps
• Speaking at International Conferences, Roadshows, Partner Events
She manages a team that works closely with startups and partners across various technologies and industry verticals. Providing business and technical leadership in enabling our partners' strategic onboarding journey and migration to Azure, and getting published on our cloud marketplace. Creating differentiated and enhanced partner experiences by providing an end-to-end white-glove experience through seamless collaboration with category management leaders, product engineering, sales & marketing, and industry stakeholders. Deeply engaged with our partner community, leading Architecture and Business Design sessions, conducting workshops, delivering presentations at international roadshow events, speaking at international conferences and flagship summits, and through direct briefings to partner executives at the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pradipa/
MicrosoftBlockchain https://azure.microsoft.com/es-mx/solutions/blockchain/
FOLLOW Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab:
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Jan 15, 2020
Interview with Csilla Zsigri senior analyst at 451 Research, a global research and advisory firm. I interviewed Csilla Zsigri at the IoT world congress in Barcelona where she led a panel discussion about Blockchain-based systems used for verifying certificates, licenses, university degrees, & professional skills. Who Are You? What Do You Have And What Do You Know? Verify Your Claims Digitally! The use case of trusted credentials is showing up across industries–education, energy & utilities, financial services, government. For example, utility companies, in partnership with compliance organizations can implement a blockchain-based credentials system for technicians who go to people’s homes, where physical licenses are replaced by digital ones that can be activated and deactivated by those authorized, and seen, tracked and trusted by all ecosystem participants. In a similar fashion, educational institutions can digitize and secure degrees, qualifications & achievements using blockchain technology. During the panel, they discussed what has already been implemented, what projects are moving into production, as well as which organizations are driving this and why.
Csilla Zsigri Bio
Csilla is a senior analyst at 451 Research. She currently focuses on decoding the blockchain market to help replace confusion and the complexity with an examination of the technology, competitive landscape, available solutions that are driving the market, as well as real-world use cases and deployments.
- Csilla Zsigri linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/csilla-zsigri-b052a04/
- Csilla Zsigri Twitter @csillazsigri451
- Panel discussion: https://www.iotsworldcongress.com/agenda/bc-24-who-are-you-what-do-you-have-and-what-do-you-know-verify-your-claims-digitally/
- 451 Research - https://451research.com/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Jan 15, 2020
We spoke about his book - Blockchain: the business perspective - and how the organizations approach blockchain for enterprise, business models, the core of decentralization and how to capture the value, dApps, how to drive awareness about what blockchain is, and where can bring value.
Trevor Clohessy bio:
Trevor Clohessy is an assistant professor in business information systems and transformative technologies at GMIT School of Business since September 2018. Prior to this post, Trevor was an assistant professor at the National University of Ireland Galway business school and a post-doctoral researcher with Lero.
His research interests include blockchain, business analytics, digital transformation, digital addiction, digital politics, and cloud computing. Trevor has published in a number of academic outlets including the Journal of Information Technology and People and the Journal of Industrial Management and Data Systems. Trevor has also published a new blockchain book entitled “Blockchain the Business Perspective.”
Trevor completed his PhD from the National University of Ireland Galway. His doctoral thesis investigated the digital transformation impact of cloud computing on IT service providers. Trevor and his research associates conducted one of the first blockchain Irish organizational readiness reports in 2018 entitled “Organisational factors that influence the Blockchain adoption in Ireland.”
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevorclohessy/
Research Profile:
Linkedin Article
The Business Perspective - New Book:
Blockchain for Business Online Course:
Business model online classes
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 30, 2019
We spoke about blockchain for enterprise, way to improve security in use cases like IoT, digital identity, and blockchain trends within corporations and startup worldwide.
Rebecca Aspler bio:
Rebecca is leading the Blockchain product line at Unbound Tech, a Multi-Party Computation (MPC) security company. Before joining Unbound, was the co-founder and VP products at Ofakim Group, Israel’s largest B2B financial risk management and cross border payments
the company, protecting and transferring a monthly B2B amount of 5B USD. Prior to that role and specializing in product management
for large scale cloud-based multi-enterprise software applications, she led product management groups and operations at companies
such as SAP, Synerion, Teoco and TopTier, working with various Fortune1,000 companies.
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Blockchain Mentoring Lab https://www.blockchainmentoringlab.com
Twitter https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 30, 2019
Blockchain PlayBook is a guide, a high-level roadmap where are shared lessons learned, open questions, market data, and assumptions for the future. It is a view top-down rather than top-down from the technology about the main insights of blockchain for enterprise.
It is meant to be NOT complete, but it is detailed enough to provide a snapshot of what is going on that frequently is open to subjective misinterpretation.
Blockchain benefits over traditional IT solutions
Five steps to production
Lessons learned
Key success factors
Main Barriers & open questions
Main supply chain use cases in production
Blockchain future most likely
Laura Spinaci Bio
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims, throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation,
to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities, and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
Podcast's episode transcription:
-Linkedin Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/blockchain-playbook-beyond-5-steps-production-laura/
- Download the Blockchain Playbook Ebook: https://blockchainmentoringlab.com/enterprise/
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 05, 2019
Innovation, Enterprises and Digital Labs
In the near feature, all companies will become software companies, but meanwhile, is the mindset of corporations and medium-sized organizations leaning towards innovation and digital transformation.
- Innovation & Enterprises
- Innovation & Labs
- Conclusion
Laura Spinaci Bio
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international
experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital
agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional
management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims,
throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation,
to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities,
and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
Podcast's episode transcription:
-Linkedin Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/innovation-enterprises-digital-labs-laura-spinaci-pmp/
-Medium Article: https://medium.com/collabogate-research-group-in-tokyo/innovation-enterprises-and-digital-labs-15b4f47328f7?
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 04, 2019
Supply chain is a giant field, backbone of many industries, where there are rooms of consistent improvements.
Blockchain, by design, reflects the infrastructure that suits supply chain dynamics and processes. Combined with other technologies like IoT, BigData, RIFD, blockchain promises network participants unprecedented visibility leading towards a transformative impact in the next years.
1-What is Supply Chain
2-How Blockchain capabilities can fix Supply Chain
3-Use cases: Manufacture, Aviation, Consumer Goods and Retail
Laura Spinaci Bio
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims, throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation,
to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities, and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
Podcast's episode transcription:
-Linkedin Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/blockchain-supply-chain-what-matters-aviation-use-laura-spinaci-pmp/
-Medium Article: https://medium.com/collabogate-research-group-in-tokyo/blockchain-and-supply-chain-what-matters-c37d18a96afd
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 03, 2019
IoT is a combination of hardware and software that allows data exchange between machine to machine, machine to human, machine to cloud.
Data is without any doubt the most valuable digital asset on internet, and blockchain is the proper network of Value - Exchange.
Listen to what IoT and DLT have in common.
Laura Spinaci Bio
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international
experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital
agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional
management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims,
throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation,
to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities,
and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
Podcast's episode transcription:
-Linkedin Article: https://medium.com/collabogate-research-group-in-tokyo/the-overlap-between-iot-and-dlt-2cfdc9fd2cc
-Medium Article: https://medium.com/collabogate-research-group-in-tokyo/the-overlap-between-iot-and-dlt-2cfdc9fd2cc
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Dec 02, 2019
What IoT and Blockchain can do for the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable developments.
On May 8th, 2019 I did a speech about IoT, Blockchain, and Sustainability, at the Green Tech Innovation event organized by EU Business School.
The interest in IoT started growing when I realized that blockchain technology will be the catalyst for IoT adoption and that the combination of IoT, blockchain, and supply chain will greatly foster future sustainable developments in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable developments.
Laura Spinaci Bio
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international
experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital
agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional
management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims,
throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation,
to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities,
and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
Podcast's episode transcription:
-Linkedin Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sustainability-iot-blockchain-laura-spinaci-/
-Medium Article: https://medium.com/collabogate-research-group-in-tokyo/sustainability-iot-distributed-ledgers-9e414ad60996
- Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
- Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
- Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
- Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Nov 11, 2019
Pharmeum is a decentralized data-powered network to fuel AI and Digital Health Apps powered by PHRM Coins based on Hyperledger Fabric.
I interviewed Zain Rana, Pharmeum CEO and Founder, at the IoT world congress in Barcelona where he gave a 45 min speech explaining what is Pharmeum.
The current healthcare system makes the interaction between your doctor, pharmacy, and health insurance companies highly inefficient. In addition, it costs more for every party, to carry out the procedures in a slow, inefficient, paper-based way.
Pharmeum is the world's first Blockchain and AI solution, enabling access to healthcare globally straight through your smartphone.
Discover how blockchain and AI can bring patient-centricity to life by centering the system around the patient, who holds their private medical data and can instantly grant access to any healthcare entity.
Pharmeum is a decentralized data-economy, to power user-personalized applications. Data and AI is projected to create a $13 trillion economy by 2030. The largest corporations are built on the value of our data, without you profiting. Pharmeum cuts this unethical process out. By creating a crowdsourced data-network, where anyone can contribute their Health data into.
Applications pay a listing fee to build on the Pharmeum Network. This fee is distributed back to the users who contributed the data to the network.
Thereby, unlocking the value in an asset that we all possess globally.
Zain Rana bio:
Zain was previously a technical market analyst before investing in
Bitcoin and working on Blockchain Architecture at an early stage. He created a data-analytics product and brought it to market in the UK,
and founded Pharmeum in 2017. Zain has been a keynote speaker at the largest Blockchain events all over the world and is passionate about creating a new data economy.
Zain Rana - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zain-rana/
Zain's speech - Blockchain & AI – The Future Of Healthcare https://www.iotsworldcongress.com/agenda/bc-03-blockchain-ai-the-future-of-healthcare/
Pharmeum https://pharmeum.io
Twitter https://twitter.com/pharmeum
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message
Nov 04, 2019
Laura Spinaci CEO and Founder of Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab explain how the Blockchain Mentoring Lab was born, its target market and the future ahead.
Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab provides services to enterprises, consulting companies, and blockchain organizations that need to be connected within blockchain for enterprise ecosystem to the right partners, clients, and talents, in order to streamline their business.
Laura Spinaci bio:
Master's Degree in Computer Science, 15+ years 360 digital executive international experience in several countries within corporations, consulting companies, digital agencies, startups, and Innovation Labs. Extensive expertise in cross-functional management and leadership of multidisciplinary teams and complex programs. She aims, throughout her experience and passion for new technologies and digital transformation, to short cut the distance between blockchain organizations, blockchain communities, and talents, within Blockchain for the Enterprise ecosystem.
WEBSITE - Blockchain & Innovation Mentoring Lab - https://www.blockchainmentoringlab.com
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blockchain-mentoring-lab/?viewAsMember=true
Twitter - https://twitter.com/@lallispinaci
Medium - https://medium.com/@lauraspinaci
Meetup - https://www.meetup.com/es/Hyperledger-Barcelona/
Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/blockchainmentoring/message