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When is it Time to Leave, and How is this NOT a Failure as a Manager?
When is it Time to Leave, and How is this NOT a Failure as a Manager?

When is it Time to Leave, and How is this NOT a Failure as a Manager?

As a manager, you feel responsible for "steering the company ship".  You take pride in your work, and give a part of yourself to your job. But what happens when the job can't be done, no matter what you have tried? In this episode Kim and Jim use the framework of the 5 microcultures to analyze when and why it's not only healthy to leave, but a natural and necessary part of your career and personal growth.  Don't let guilt play a factor in your progress, rather see it as an opportunity to learn more about that YOU need to feel like a success!www.healthyhivepub.com

When is it Time to Leave, and How is this NOT a Failure as a Manager?

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