Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. My observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else.
Dec 22, 2021
Quote “The sky takes on shades of orange during sunrise and sunset, the colour that gives you hope that the sun will set only to rise again.” Ram Charan Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. Episode 75! Wow! What a great trip it has been. I’ve been reflecting on a closeout episode for this season of Sensory Strides and I have been struggling with what that should be. I have come to realize that Sensory Strides where it is now is not where it started. Growth in different ways than expected. I had been considering sunsetting this podcast. I listened to episode 260 of the Bib Rave podcast and they announced that they are going to be ending their podcast after five years. BibRave This seemed to be a sign to confirm that my thoughts on sunsetting Sensory Strides and allowing myself to focus on some of my other projects. Especially those that are Girl Scout related like my Hearts of Gold podcast and the work I’m doing with Badgerland council to improve and encourage more girls to earn their Highest Awards is likely the better place for me. I’m recognizing that my mental health is just as important as my physical health, and I have been spreading myself thin. I need to focus on that which improves my mental health and that which gives me the strength and energy to be encouraged to pursue new interests. Working with these amazing young women in Girl Scouts feeds my soul in that way. The new house is amazing and watching both the sunrises and sunsets each day have helped to allow me to relax in a different way than I have these last few years. I look forward to the summer and sitting outside watching those amazing sunsets. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Oct 07, 2021
Quote “If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, but never the goal.” Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. I can’t believe it has been six weeks since I recorded an episode! I have had a lot going on, but all just normal busyness, nothing special. I was well into my training plan and things were going really good. Then last week I had a very sore back. I went to the chiropractor and I am feeling much better I think it was the worst my back has ever felt. I had to interrupt my training because I could barely move for a couple of days. What I realized is that my whole body was aching. I had noticed it before, but I just attributed it to the training plan and my focus on doing well. I think it is more than that. I haven’t run for almost two weeks now and my caves are still tight and sore. My glutes have finally loosened up a bit. I think I’m going to skip my race I had planned for the end of October. I’m sad because I love trail runs, but I need to listen to my body. I am going to be super busy the next couple of weeks anyway. We finally got possession of our new home this past weekend after waiting seven months without a firm date in sight. I have been packing and moving what I can and we will move the big stuff after I come back from my vacation in a couple of weeks. It is time for Craft Camp, something my mom and sister have been going to for years and I started going to about ten years ago. We are going to be making baskets this weekend. I am so excited! Then I am home for one day and I get on a plane to head to Arizona for She Podcasts Live! I am even more excited about that! Jessica has planned it so that it is a combination retreat and conference. It is at a resort with multiple pools. I am so looking forward to it! Illinois Homemakers Camp LIVE • She Podcasts When I come back I think I am going to go back to my video workouts – I’ll have a great new space to workout in and perhaps I can focus more on the strength training and build my frame back up. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Aug 24, 2021
Quote “Sometimes I try to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me.” Mediaweapps.com Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. I started training for the end of October 10k this week! It feels great to be following a training plan again, although I really miss sitting on the couch doing nothing. I’ve pushed myself to actually run doing the workouts. While I can’t run for a full mile yet, I look forward to continuing to push myself. I was inspired by a recent Another Mother Runner discussing racing mindset to push a bit harder than I have historically. For me, it has always been about finishing. I think I may use this fall’s race to push myself and challenge myself to not be the last one in. AMR Trains #38 How to Get Into a Racing Mindset (anothermotherrunner.com) It was a busy Girl Scout week. Tuesday, I had a meeting with council, then I got in my car and had a troop meeting while I drove to a Gold Award project ribbon cutting. After the ribbon cutting on the way home I had a highest awards sub committee meeting. Then Thursday it was our council’s annual meeting. Council just moved into a new building, and we were able to tour the building before the annual meeting. It is going to be a great programming space. End of August is also a busy time for Girl Scouts as girls are submitting their final reports prior to school starting. We’ve had an influx of proposals too. Looking forward to growing our Gold Award class for next spring! We also went to the La Crosse Area Parade of Homes. Very excited to find a house that was painted a grey we liked. We also found a cabinet color we like and decide white trim will be the way to go. I am getting so excited to move into the new space. La Crosse Area Builders Association - Parade Of Homes (labaonline.com) Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Aug 03, 2021
Quote “You are not messy, everyone just organizes differently.” Cassandra Aarssen Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. Excited to be back to feeling mentally well. So much so that I have decided to sign up for a trail 10k at the end of October. I’ve found a training plan I can work with on the internet and will begin training next week. Now, to get my eating habits back under control. I need to reduce some inches so my clothes start fitting better. My mastermind group tried something new and spent a session sharing different media we’ve been enjoying. We had been doing book club each month, with each of us reading a different book and sharing our takeaways. We often talk about podcasts we listen to and thought a media sharing day would be good. It was so much fun – although my podcast list has now grown again. Moving forward we will do book club one month and media on the opposite month. I love keeping things fresh! Media I shared included Hot Mess House on HGTV. I have begun packing my current house for moving this fall and the timing on finding this show couldn’t be better. I have gotten rid of almost as much as I’ve packed so far. I’m going to be reading one of Cas’s books for book club in August. She has a podcast, youtube videos, and an amazing Pinterest page. The biggest thing I learned so far is my issue with thinking everything has value is my biggest hurdle towards managing clutter. I have been using her $30 rule (if it isn’t worth $30, it isn’t worth your time and effort to try to sell it) and it has really changed my outlook. https://www.hgtv.com/shows/hot-mess-house https://clutterbug.me/books https://www.youtube.com/user/OrganizedClutterbug https://www.pinterest.com/Clutterbug_me Podcast | Clutterbug My biggest challenge with the value rule comes with anything related to Girl Scouts though. Girl Scouts leaders save everything! I have a bin of Girl Scout stuff that I am going to get rid of, but I AM going to use the $30 rule – I will just create bundles to sell. If it doesn’t sell, then it will go away. Luckily there are a couple of really good Facebook groups for this activity. Another media I shared was Anne Bogel’s podcast ‘What Should I Read Next’. I love this podcast! I almost always hear about one book to add to my reading list every episode. I like that we learn about the guests as that actually helps me know if I will enjoy a book as well as they did, depending on our similar or differing outlooks. What Should I Read Next? Podcast – Modern Mrs Darcy What media do you get inspiration from? Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jul 20, 2021
Quote “Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” Denis Waitley Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. I have felt most like myself in the past week or so than I have in a long time. I had two great conversations with Gold Award Girl Scouts for my other show. (Ep 64) One had such high energy and everything related to her project involved bright colors. It was just so fun! (Ep 65) The other was with a young women I have been following for a couple of years. Her focus is STEM diversity and she is always involved in some activity related to STEM. Her Instagram makes me tired just looking at it. https://pod.link/1406353288 https://www.youtube.com/c/sherylmrobinson I even had a last minute project that I successfully completed. Girl Scouts has implemented a scholarship program for Gold Award Girl Scouts and a couple of days before it kicked off I received the details on which girls were eligible and we had four (out of our fourteen) that needed work in order to make sure they were eligible. Two were easy because the system dates just needed to be corrected, but the other two required the girls to submit both their proposal and final report via the Go Gold electronic system. Getting this report through the electronic system involved four different people and 8 steps. Luckily we were all able to work together and get the Girl Scouts successfully set up. The timing also worked well because the application process opened last week with the applications due this week and we have a already scheduled Highest Awards Q&A session scheduled. We are pivoting and making that session a scholarship FAQ session for the girls. Then, I also received an email that a conference I have been very excited about attending has selected me to be a speaker on a panel. I was already expecting this conference to be a highlight of my year and now that I will be involved even more my excitement has skyrocketed. I can’t share much about this yet, but I will be soon because it is a group I am already passionate about. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jul 06, 2021
Quote “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. The past two weeks included lots of celebration. I am honored to have received the Girl Scout Thanks Badge II. The Thanks Badge is the highest recognition an adult volunteer can earn. The Thanks II is given to a volunteer already awarded the Thanks Badge. In addition to work within my council, they awarded me the Thanks II for the work on my other show – Hearts of Gold and the speaking work I have done to promote the Girl Scout Gold Award. https://pod.link/1406353288 https://www.youtube.com/c/sherylmrobinson Hear more about all of the Girl Scout Adult Awards on episode 63 of Heart of Gold. I also celebrated my 20th anniversary at the community health center I work for. I started there as a part time Staff Accountant and am now CFO. I love working there as we really focus on our communities and creating healthier environments, in addition to the health care we provide. The integrated services we provide to care for the entire person - medical, dental, behavioral health, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage therapy, and pharmacy – allow our patients to see multiple providers the same day. The sliding fee scale we offer allows patients to receive the services at reduced rates. I’ve loved watching our health center grow over the years. Find a Health Center (hrsa.gov) I feel I have pulled passed the depressive state I was in this spring. However, I find I am still having trouble setting personal goals and continuing to manage those things needed in order to keep things, like my podcasts, going. My fitness has suffered this year because of it. As discussed on prior episodes, I am a big fan of training plans, following the plan, and checking off each day as the workout is successfully completed. I have lost my motivation. This past quarter I tried stepping back into it by choosing some 30 day plans, one was a squat challenge and the other a pushup / crunch/ squat / lunge challenge. Nothing difficult or time consuming, but I found not completing those plans increased my anxiety. My waist has grown and I recognize I need to do something to stop the negative affects my body is facing. In discussing this with my mastermind group, they suggested that I just take one day at a time and set a daily goal the night before or that morning as to what fitness and food goals I want to have for that day. That felt more reasonable to me as I could take into account my schedule, the weather, and other factors as I plan the goal for the next day. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jun 22, 2021
SS 69 - Bike riding Iowa; High Trestle Trail; Ironman 70.3; Just Go Bike; John F Kennedy; Des Moines
Quote “Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of a bike ride.” John F. Kennedy Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. My husband and I had planned our weeklong summer vacation to Colorado for the past week. However, multiple things occurred that caused us to delay the vacation a month or so. However, I definitely needed a break, and it was the weekend of our fifth wedding anniversary, so we ended up taking a four-day weekend. We were going to head to Duluth / Superior since neither of us had been there before, but there were very few motel rooms to be had and the ones available were way out of the price range I was willing to spend. Instead, we headed to Iowa to bike ride all weekend. Without even having a plan when we left on Friday morning, we couldn’t have ended up with a better weekend. I had heard about the High Trestle Trail for many years, mostly because I still listen to Ragbrai and Iowa Bike Coalition’s podcast “Just Go Bike”. I had seen pictures and was intrigued. We got to the area early enough on Friday to ride a portion of the trail and still check into our motel room, eat dinner, and head back to see the bridge lit up at night. The trail is amazing. Super smooth and very wide, so even though there was plenty of bike traffic, there weren’t any passing issues with a narrow path. JustGoBike (pod.link) High Trestle Trail | What We Do | INHF Saturday, we headed south of Des Moines and rode part of the Great Western Trail, which took us past the Des Moines airport. We got to see a couple of jets landing and a few taking off. We then hopped in the car and headed towards downtown and rode along the river and up to the capital building. We also rode by Principal Park where I snapped a few pictures for my daughter who is a Cubs fan. The Cub’s minor league team plays in Des Moines. Great Western Trail - Polk County Iowa Principal Park | Cubs (milb.com) While in Des Moines, we realized the 70.3 Ironman was happening Sunday. Since I am usually a participant and not a spectator and an Ironman race is known to be so well run, we decided to spectate. However, thunderstorms rolled through overnight and early morning, and no one was sure if the race would even happen. So, we didn’t bother setting an alarm and decided to play by ear. While it did take us longer to get to parking than we planned, we still were able to sleep in a bit and get to the race while the swim was in high gear. They didn’t end up starting until 9:45 and they had to cut the bike distance in half to reduce the time impact. (10) IRONMAN 70.3 Des Moines | Facebook WOW! That was a lot of people and a lot of logistics! I’m not sure I would have done my 70.3 if I had spectated a race of that distance beforehand. It was exhausting just watching the participants. Overall, it was a great, relaxing weekend with lots of fresh air. Just what I needed. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jun 08, 2021
Quote “A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.” Shannon Alder Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. The last two weeks have not been my best. I thought I was coming out of my depression along with the weather getting warmer. Then, I had an interaction with someone that shut me down. I felt belittled and dismissed. I shut down so much that I couldn’t even talk with my husband. I needed to shut myself in my room alone for a few hours. It took me a couple of days before I was able to bring down the walls I had built up and interact with others on a more normal basis. Then, a series of smaller interactions kept me from climbing all the way out of the hole I was in. I relied on my different support systems and managed to feel strong enough to have a face-to-face conversation with the person that was most central in the different tensions. We had a great conversation and I feel much more positive going into this next week. It is important to have those crucial conversations when something isn’t going the way you would expect, and you aren’t sure why. You don’t know what is going on in the other person’s life that could be affecting them. Just like I am experiencing depression and know I am being more sensitive due to that condition, other people may have similar conditions that you aren’t aware of. By talking to them on a personal, non-confrontational way in order to learn how to improve you open the opportunity for those more personal conversations and may learn more of the why from their perspective. It is also important to have support systems with different perspectives. Of course, I have my husband. I also have a very good friend that I rely on who is very analytical and process driven. Additionally I am part of an accountability mastermind group that I meet with every week. While the group mainly helps me with my fitness and activities external to my work environment – like my podcasts and speaking engagements – there is a large trust factor we have built with each other that allows us to share us successes and troubles candidly and know we will receive honest feedback. I am not sure where I would be right now if it weren’t for these different people. I hope each of you have similar people that support you. On a positive, the weather has been very warm, my husband has been out working in the fields, and I’ve made it to the county park to hit the trails twice in the last week. Trails are so much more interesting than walking the same route through town. However, I would rather walk with my husband in town than alone on the trails. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
May 25, 2021
Quote “One of the main benefits of spending time in nature is stress reduction.” – Richard Louv Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. The last few months I have not been as active as I normally am. I had slipped into a depression and was struggling to come out of it. While I recognized my poor mental health status, one of the tactics I used was to eliminate the non-essential items on my list. I am a list maker and there is always something to do on that list. What I was realizing was my brain and body needed a break from some of those items. So I took a step back from many of the external activities I am involved in and reduced my contributions. While doing this, I also reduced my activity. Even my activity was a list – either a training schedule or a weekly goal of so many minutes of movement. While stepping back helped me return to a stronger state of mind, the lack of physical activities may have slowed the progress. My husband and I went for a walk last week and I realized how much those walks improve my mental state. That time outdoors, even if my husband and I are talking or I am listening to a podcast or a book, allows my brain to take a break. The fresh air invigorates me and refreshes my soul. I’m still struggling with keeping a good mental balance, recognizing those things I can control and those things I can’t control. Of course, the things I can’t control are some of the pieces that are weighing heavily on me right now. I need to recognize there is only so much I can do and I need to let go of those things that I can’t do. This is a difficult balance. I have a great support system, but I am my hardest critic and I need to give myself grace. I hope you give yourself grace for those items you can’t manage and remember to keep the activities that keep you fulfilled in the forefront, even as you may need to let go of other things. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
May 11, 2021
Quote "In a word, let me say: if we might keep in necessary things Unity, in unnecessary things Freedom, and in both Charity, our affairs would certainly be in the best condition." Peter Meiderlin Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. We used to start conversations talking about the weather or an activity that was happening in our community. Now a days the question is “have you gotten your vaccine?”. I encourage everyone to be more sensitive with this question. Receiving the vaccine can be a very personal decision and could cause others to share personal medical information they may not want to share. Unlike talking about the weather or a public event, the vaccine is a personal health decision. I am pro vaccine and believe that receiving vaccinations protects not only ourselves, but others as well. Most vaccines have been around for a long time and have a history that makes people more comfortable with them. As people may know, there are questions regarding some vaccines by some people that disagree with vaccines. I encourage everyone to research any vaccine questions you may have by using well defied medical websites and scientific articles. One key is often making sure that the website ends in org (reflecting a nonprofit) or a solid .com website. I encourage vaccinating but recognize there are some people that are unable to be vaccinated for health reasons. For those able to be vaccinated, we are protecting ourselves, our families, and our communities. The only person that can make the decision on your health choices is you. While I was eligible in the very first round of vaccines due to my job, I did not choose to get vaccinated immediately. My concern was not related to the shortened testing timeframes, I was confident no testing pieces were skipped, just the in between testing step waiting periods. I was concerned about long term side effects. I have since reviewed vaccinations and when long term side effects generally appear and my concerns have been alleviated based on what I have learned thorough research. However, there were many people, my parents included, where any concerns were offset by the potential negative impact from contracting covid based on their age or other health issues. I never undermined any efforts for those that choose to vaccinate. Everyone’s situation is different, and all health choices need to be made based on an individual’s situation. I urge everyone to be conscious of what other people’s situation may be and not everyone can get the vaccine or choose to get the vaccine. For those that choose not to vaccinate, they should be responsible for their own health and may choose to continue masking and social distancing to maintain their health. Remember, you cannot know what someone’s personal history and experience is that supports their decisions. While Covid is a public health emergency, everyone has their own story and has to make the decision best for them. Please support each other and don’t judge each other based on physical observations and respect each other’s decisions. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Apr 27, 2021
Quote “Our elevation must be the result of self-efforts and work of our own hands. No other human power can accomplish it. If we but determine it shall be so, it will be so.” Martin Delany Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. Welcome to season 5! During our break I became a Grandma! I’ve had the opportunity to spend time babysitting while my daughter was finally able to finish her clinical rotation for her RN degree. I love spending time with my granddaughter and have even gotten her out on some walks with me. Most of this winter, I hibernated. My husband and I were pretty good about getting some good long walks in, but once the cold really hit those walks went away. I have been working to get back into the habit of walking, but my schedule has not been cooperative. While looking forward to goals for this year, I realized I need to do different exercises as it is likely my goals will include some vertical hiking. I have been doing a 30 day lunge challenge in April. This past weekend I did some geocaching with a local student. We are working together to create some geocaching tips and tricks to support a geocaching challenge the county park group has put together. We visited some of the caches to identify and take pictures for tips that could help new cachers be successful. While climbing some of the trails I could really feel the muscle fatigue from that lunge series which reinforced the need to focus on uphill hiking. That gets back to the possible goals for this year. My husband and I are headed to Colorado in June. There are two things I am considering. The hike up Pikes Peak and the Manitou Incline. Both are super challenging on their own, but add in the elevation and they are even more difficult. I am confident my husband and I could do a 13 mile hill climb over an entire day in Wisconsin, but add in the extra elevation and no bail out options and I’m not sure it is the best decision for us. The Incline is much more difficult, but shorter and there is a bail out option halfway up. As someone who has to be very conscious to hydrate and pay attention to my body as I am susceptible to altitude sickness, this adds an extra element. Have you done an interesting Colorado hike? Please share and give me ideas. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Dec 22, 2020
Quote “A new year can begin only because the old year ends.” Madeleine L'Engle Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. As we wrap up 2020 my thoughts turn to the new year and what goal to set. When I simplified my goals for 2020 to take a rest year, I had no idea that I would still struggle to meet them. While I covered a lot of miles this year, 382 at this point with 265 of those since September, I did not complete 52 hikes – many of my miles covered the same stretches of pavement. I also did not complete the geocache challenge I planned to do with my mom – although we did have a couple of great caching days and she worked on the goal without me many days. https://www.geocaching.com/ Looking towards 2021, I’m not confident how well live races will occur, so I’ve looked towards other activities to engage my soul and keep me moving. I want to do the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim challenge, but I’ve learned you really need to start planning for that 2 years in advance. Since shuttle service between the North and South rim is still spotty, it adds additional logistical challenges that I am not willing to take on. Rim To Rim - The Grand Canyon Experience | The Grand Canyon Experience While researching the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim, I found a second challenge that would take me somewhere I’ve wanted to visit. When my daughter was in high school, we visited Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, but didn’t make it to the other parks in Utah. There is a Zion Rim to Rim challenge also. This fits much more cleanly into my challenging yet realistic criteria. A bonus is my husband is willing to do this one with me. Rim to Rim® - Zion | Rim To Rim - The Grand Canyon Experience I’m looking forward to visiting the other parks I haven’t been to as we visit Utah, not just Zion. The Mighty 5 | Visit Utah If the Missoula Marathon happens this year, I would love to participate in memory and celebration of Tony Banovich the Race Director who passed away this summer and meet Dimity and Sarah from Another Mother Runner in person. - Missoula MarathonMissoula Marathon Here’s looking forward to resuming travel and racing in 2021. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Nov 10, 2020
Quote “Cities are not microwave popcorn. Unless you are talking, as we are, about Oklahoma City. Oklahoma City is microwave popcorn.” Sam Anderson Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 I recently read Boomtown by Sam Anderson. This book gives both the originating – land rush and more recent histories of Oklahoma City. There were a lot of things I never knew. https://www.amazon.com/Boom-Town-Fantastical-Basketball-World-class/dp/0804137315 Some interesting facts: In the 60’s, Oklahoma City was the largest city in the WORLD by land. This was intentional by the original city planners. In 1964 they flew multiple sonic flights over OKC to test how it would impact the population. As a result of those tests, commercial sonic flights over US land is prohibited. The land rush occurred in 1889. That means OKC is only 131 years old. A big focus of the book is the passion the city had to bring a professional sports team to OKC. The arena was built without a team to use it. The city was looking towards an NHL team, but that never came to fruition. When Katrina caused the New Orleans Hornets to play for two seasons from Oklahoma City, the fan support raised interest from the NBA to possibly help find a team. The stadium was sold out for a team that wasn’t even truly housed there. When a team couldn’t be found to permanently locate in OKC, OKC went shopping. Seattle agreed to let the OKC businessmen buy the team as long as they didn’t move them team. There was a condition in the contract that a new stadium would be built and that stadium didn’t come to be and the team was moved to OKC. The book doesn’t go into all the legal details that happened with that move, but I wonder what Seattle was thinking selling their team to a group that they knew were looking to have a team in their city. There is a great discussion over the impact Gary England and Oklahoma’s weather has on weather forecasting for the world today. I never realized how far that science has come and how much of it was generated by a single man. There are short chapters devoted to the big events in OKC, including the bombing, but this book really focuses on the experiences that rolled over years and decades. From the land rush to the oil boom to building and tearing down the city through today’s current events. OKC has had an interesting history, designed with specific goals in mind. I think everyone will learn something new from this book. I’ve visited OKC a few times and had great experiences. I’ve now learned more and have some new things to explore for my next visit. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Oct 27, 2020
Quote “Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it.” Susan B. Anthony Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 While we weren’t in person, 1200 plus Girl Scouts came together this weekend for our once every three years National Council Session. Usually this is scheduled in conjunction with the National Convention, which is a giant party. Our girls are integral to planning the event and often take center stage. The National Council Session is the business meeting portion. This year there were six proposals up for discussion and vote. We follow Roberts Rules or Order. The council session immerses everyone in parliamentary procedure and is a great learning experience for everyone. Friday started at 5 and was schedule to go until 7:30. I finally made it to bed about 11. Saturday started at 11. We were supposed to have two sessions, but it stretched into one long session with a shorter break. We went until nearly 10. Sunday we started at 10 and went until about 9, with a short mid afternoon break. About 26 hours total. Running the voting virtually added new challenges to the process. Tech issues were a part of the issue, but I think the bigger impact came from not being able to see what was happening on stage or having opportunities for short entertainment (like singing) during waiting times. Some of my fellow delegates and I actually got to chat more than we would have in person using Discord, a platform I hadn’t used before. The votes themselves were interesting. Sunday afternoon, after our break, started off with a bang. After more than 20 hours into the process we ended up with two votes in a row split right down the middle. One had only one vote difference and the other had two vote separation. We kept at it and were successful getting all of the work done! Next week is an important election for our country. Please make sure to get out by Tuesday and vote. My ballot went in last week! Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Oct 15, 2020
Quote “If we do not find anything very pleasant, at least we shall find something new.” Voltaire Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 I took a few mental health days off work recently and one of the days my mom and I went geocaching. If you are not familiar with geocaching it’s basically hide and seek using a GPS. I love geocaching because it takes you to unique places that you would never visit otherwise. Find out more about Geocaching: https://www.geocaching.com/play The first Geocache my mom and I tried searching for that day we couldn’t find right away. We started walking and getting close to the cache, but we were in the middle of a bridge. When we looked over the bridge, we realized there was an entire parking lot about 100 feet below us. We looked around and couldn’t figure out how to get to the parking lot. We wandered back a couple of tenths of a mile and there was this narrow driveway between these houses that were on top of each other that led down the hill and to the parking lot. We wandered down and were very surprised and basically finding a garage carved into the side of the hill. Well, that of course is where the geocache was. Find out more about this geocache: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC34G5D Later that day we went to try and find another cache. We were in a very busy area with lots of fast food and gas stations. The area did not really match the description of the cache. We wandered around and we happen to find a very old broken down bridge that went over a creek. We climbed over the bridge and continued wandering. We ended up in this really cool place. Its used to a park called Fort Dells. There was an old railroad cart base and an old safe, There were some tunnels. Just a really cool place. We looked around and didn’t find the cache. However when we got home and loaded the pictures to social media to share we found that cash was right in the center on one of my pictures. I’m not sure how we missed it while we were there. Find out more about this geocache: https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC7E8PA Pictures on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJAa6oJbgq/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGJAQeUJs3D/ Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Sep 29, 2020
Quote “The enemy will never attack you where you are strongest. … He will attack where you are weakest. If you do not know your weakest point, be certain, your enemy will,’ Charlie said.” Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 I recently finished One Second After by William R. Forstchen. I heard about this book on Mac and Katherine Barron’s podcast, Catholic in a Small Town, during their entertainment section. I’ve been on the waitlist for this book for nearly a year. I expect I read this book much directly after our pandemic than I would have prior to the pandemic. The book describes the events that happen after an EMP event which takes out all the electronics in the United States. An EMP or Electromagnetic pulse is a potentially real threat that could happen, this isn’t just science fiction. Reading this during the pandemic brings the issues we are facing into perspective. The pandemic has changed the way we live, but it could be so much worse. We still have internet and can communicate with others, plenty of food to fill our stomachs- think about how many people have taken up baking, medicine and healthcare are still readily available, and we can generally still travel wherever we want without fear. Another interesting perspective I took from the book is access to food. As a Midwesterner, a variety of fresh food is accessible, many people have home gardens, and I drive by fields of crops every day. The insight the book gave me is because of fewer opportunities for growing crops and higher population, the central US truly feeds those on the coasts. I hadn’t really thought about the work that goes into processing and shipping food across the country, even though my husband is a farmer and drives a semi. There are very dark points of this book, which just reflect the true reality of what could happen. I encourage you to read this book and consider how you would respond to the situation the book’s characters are presented with. This book is a trilogy, but it seems like the next two books get more into the politics of what happens afterwards and I’m not sure I’m up for reading that at this point. What books have you read that have made you think differently about your first world problems? https://www.amazon.com/Second-After-John-Matherson-Novel/dp/0765327252 https://www.macandkatherine.com/ Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Sep 15, 2020
Quote "And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.”— Genesis 7:12 Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 I was listening to the Bible Study Podcast with Chris Christensen episode 651. In this episode, Chris discusses the flood from Genesis. I was struck as I listened to Chris how much the pandemic is currently mimicking the flood. At first we needed to be “safer at home” for a few weeks, but in realty it is going to last much longer than that. Similar to Noah’s forty days of rain, but staying in the ark for a year. https://thebiblestudypodcast.com/ I am not one of those always looking for signs in current times showing THE END is coming. After all, Matthew 24:36 says no one but the Father knows the day or hour. Why spend time worrying or hoping that this is the end – instead we should spend the time loving our neighbor and caring for each other. I can’t even watch the news anymore. I have enough internal stress that I put upon myself, I don’t need to see how poorly we are treating each other. The negative talk on television is so depressing. I hope you are finding sunshine as we enter into the fall. Enjoy the last of summer’s sun and warmth before it becomes times for hot cocoa and fires in the fireplace. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sherylmrobinson/ Twitter @sherylmrobinson Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Aug 18, 2020
Quote "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths." — Proverbs 3:5-6 Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 My daughter had her gender reveal party for my future grandbaby. It’s a GIRL!!!! That means a future Girl Scout! I am so excited! During my last regular show, I mentioned that my husband and I were going back to church. Well, things have changed once again. We got a new Priest at our Church and he will be working with both us and a Parish the next town over. Since both churches had similar Mass times, we knew this would mean a change somewhere. When the new times were announced, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do and was in shock. I have been attending early morning Sunday Mass, then going with my husband to his church about 40 minutes away. We also go back to that church on Sunday evening for Bible study. With the new Mass schedule there is no way we can keep our same schedule. Since I am a creature of habit and schedule, it took nearly a week before I accepted the reality of what decision was necessary. There was a lot of talking to God to make sure I was listening to Him during the process. So, moving forward, my husband and I will do some Bible reading together Sunday morning and then we will go our separate ways to our separate worships. We will then come back together and spend the afternoon together. Sunday nights – once they are scheduled again – we will then go to Bible study together. We will see how this works. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook fb.me/sensorystrides Twitter @sensorystrides Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jul 25, 2020
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. You HAVE to LISTEN to this one!!!!!! Thanks to Mac and Katherine Barron for allowing me to use excerpts from their show to share my story. This ‘conversation’ happened during June of 2020. God always has a plan. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Mac and Katherine’s website: https://www.macandkatherine.com/ Make sure to check out their podcast – Catholic in a Small Town. Episodes available on the website or through your favorite podcatcher app. Find us on Social Media Facebook fb.me/sensorystrides Twitter @sensorystrides Instagram @sherylmrobinson
Jul 21, 2020
Quote "When it rains, look for rainbows; when it's dark, look for stars." — Oscar Wilde Welcome to the Sensory Strides podcast. Observations of the world through activity, reading, listening, and everything else. 52 Hike Challenge – Join us! There are free challenges and lots of swag you can buy. https://www.52hikechallenge.com/?rfsn=3543491.754f73&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=3543491.754f73 #52hikechallenge2020 I got a new to me car earlier this year. I had tried selling my car, but didn’t get a buyer. I intended to wait a month or so and then post it for sale again, but life and the pandemic changed those plans. We went to pull the car out of the garage and the battery was dead. Did you know in newer cars you can’t put the car in neutral if the battery is dead? After some internet searches we found out that the shifter it also an electronic component and that is why you can’t shift it to neutral. You have to get into the gearshift compartment and pull a release lever in order to be able to change gears with a dead battery. We are lucky that we have a great teacher sharing interesting things happening in the night sky with us. Comet NEOWISE has been in the sky the last few weeks. My husband and I got up early one morning and headed up to our local small airport to check it out. We were able to see the comet and had ISS fly over. Double win. It was so early we came back home and went back to sleep. https://www.facebook.com/DriftlessStargazing/ I went back to church this weekend. I have been debating if I was ready to take that step. I got a call asking me to fill in leading the Rosary and the readings. I also was asked to fill in for the PowerPoint manager for my husband’s church. It looks like we will be getting back into our regular Sunday routine. Thanks for joining me. Be sure to check our show notes for links to inspiration items and … don't forget to stop and smell the roses. Find us on Social Media Facebook fb.me/sensorystrides Twitter @sensorystrides Instagram @sherylmrobinson