This podcast is dedicated to the millions of family caregivers who want wellness tips and self-care solutions, who seek expert advice, and who want news about healthy aging on how to fuel our bodies and brains, and how to bring wellness design into our forever homes.
Feb 17, 2025
Our February episode kicks off with a great interview with Barbara Sullivan – Executive Director of the Village to Village Network (VtV Network). You will learn about this movement in aging in place to help keep older loved ones living in their homes longer as we celebrate National Village Day February 15.
We are also focusing on National Caregivers Day February 21 and the recent studies on why caregivers are so burned out and what they need to relieve that stress.
Also, February is Heart Health Month and National Cancer Awareness Month and we share some tips from Sherri’s book, ME TIME MONDAY, on how to stay healthy and how to prevent your risk for heart disease and many cancers.
February is also National Library Month and Sherri talks about how this observance matches up with a new wellness trend called “Social Re-Wilding.” What is it? Stay tuned…
As well Sherri covers the latest trends in well home design from the recent KBIS Show in Las Vegas and why Sherri’s “Snug Home” was a trendsetting blog (and the topic of her next book) at the beginning of a new growing home design trend called “The Snug.” Sherri also shares another trend in senior living called the Cozy Home Communities.
(3:16) In CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri talks about how caregivers are care managers, care researcgers, are coordinators and what will help them most on their caregiving journey with a shout-out to National Caregivers Day Feb 21. Also, she lists national organizations that help caregivers and explains how National Library Month fits into the new trend in “social re-wilding.” Sherri also talks about what to know about heart health for National Heart Health Awareness Month and a cancer screening and Cancer Prevention Quiz for National Cancer Awareness Month.
(25:57) Barbara Sullivan – Executive Director of the Village to Village Network (VtV Network) – How to help older parents stay living in their homes longer with a little help.
(55:29) For WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks about the new Cozy Home Communities being built – an alternative to senior living for those in their 60s and 70s. She shares the trends coming out of the KBIS Show for universal design in the home and how Sherri’s “Snug Home” blog and upcoming book were ahead of the curve in the new home design trend of having a “snug” at home.
Take Care and Stay Well!
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Jan 22, 2025
For the first episode of Season 5 we kick off the New Year with a great interview with Debbie Dotson, TV host of “Tech Talk with Debbie” about the latest products and trends in age-tech from the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Sherri will also share financial self-care tips for January’s Financial Wellness Month that also help caregivers plan for costs of care. And since many listeners may have made New Year’s Resolutions – Sherri will share tips from her book on how to become a “Resolutionary” and make your goals last all year and how to avoid the “Ditch News Year’s Resolutions” on January 17. Sherri also shares a balance test you can do at home to show how well you are aging. For better environmental wellness Sherri shares tips from her book on how houseplants help improve air care and how those suffering from disasters, such as the wildfires, in Southern California, can avoid a new mental health issue – solastalgia – for themselves and their older loved ones.
(2:17) In CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri talks about how to become a New Year’s Resolutionary with the Me Time Monday plan, a balance test from the Mayo Clinic on your neuromuscular health and 7 Joyful Workouts for body, brain and soul. And for January Financial Wellness Month a new study on the Sandwich Generation and how to better prepare for cost of caregiving as well as how to plan ahead for the change in the estate tax for this year.
(19:28) Debbie Dotson – TV Host of “Tech Talk with Debbie” – Debbie shares her top picks in age-tech from the recent Consumer Electronics Show (CES).
(53:58) For WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks January 10 National Houseplant Awareness Day and which houseplants help improve air care and quality in the home. She also talks about a mental health issue tied to the home called “solastalgia” – it happens when we suffer from natural disasters or a changing neighborhood and how it affects older adults. And Sherri sends a shoutout to friends suffering from the recent Southern California wildfires to stay #SoCalStrong!
Take Care and Stay Well!
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Dec 11, 2024
For our Holiday episode in December we have a lot of “goodies” for you including a wonderful interview on how to help adults with terminal illness live out their dreams, how to improve our health as we age and how to optimize our sleep health which is always in short supply during the busy holidays, but especially for caregivers and how respite care can help. We also will share how to help your older loved one live out their dream of driving safely with age and we give a sneak peek into our Holiday Gift Guide (which you can watch separately on our YouTube channel) and from our Self Care in 7 Minutes – 7 Lessons from George Bailey, the character in the classic holiday film, “It’s a Wonderful Life” on how life can be challenging but also wonderful.
(2:43) In CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri talks about two new studies: the 4th Annual Older Adult Health Survey from Independa; and a sleep science study from UCSF on how our brains age if we do not get good restorative sleep (article and full study). Sherri also offers several resources to help caregivers find respite care during the holidays.
(12:37) Kisa Heyer – CEO of the Dream Foundation – Kisa shares the wonder of this nonprofit that focuses on end-of-life dreams and how you can help make them happen for your loved one and for others.
(30:50) For WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks about December 4-8 which is National Older Driver Safety Week and what are the tips around keeping our older loved ones safe in their cars but also to keep them socially active and not just sitting at home alone. One alternative may be using rideshare and Sherri tells us how the new Caregiver App from Uber Health works to give free rides to older adults. Our 4th Annual Caregiving Club Holiday Gift Guide is here and Sherri shares a sneak peek into our 21 gift ideas for Caregiver Wellness, Older Adult Wellness and Wellness for the Home (you can also watch our gift guide selections on these links on our YouTube channel and check out our previous year’s gift selections).
(40:22) – In our Pop Culture segment, Sherri talks about the last chapter from her “Me Time Monday” book called “Me Time Monday for a Wonderful Life.” She talks about how there are lessons in the classic holiday movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life” and captures 7 lessons from the main character, George Bailey, in our “Self Care in 7 Minutes” video as part of our Me Time Monday Wellness Hacks.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays – Take Care and Stay Well!
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Nov 25, 2024
On our second November episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” we are highlighting November’s National Family Caregiver Month (#NFCMonth), National Hospice & Palliative Care Month and National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. We have two fabulous guest expert interviews for this episode:
(13:30) Kate DeBartolo – Sr. Director of The Conversation Project – tells us about how families face death and dying and the important conversations that need to be had beforehand. The Conversation Project offers checklists, videos, conversation guides and more resources to help facilitate these hard-to-have conversations.
(47:35) Nelly Some – Founder/CEO, Author – Making a Difference with Nelly – From Africa to America, from family caregiver to professional board & care entrepreneur – Nelly’s story is inspiring and engaging. Many family caregivers become volunteers to help other caregivers – Nelly has made it her life mission and business. She shares what family caregivers should consider in terms of home care, board & care and how to practice caregiver self-care.
(4:30) In CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri shares She also talks about a new AARP study on happiness and older adults and shares how to find positivity and joy during the holidays which can add more stress to a caregiver’s life. She also talks about her work and recent TV appearances in the area of caregiver joy with Comfort Keepers and Hilarity for Charity.
(1:13:38) For WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks about TALK ABOUT one of the biggest reasons older adults want to stay living in their homes – it’s the food! A new survey shows this is a big reason seniors are saying “no” to senior living options. And, since we are talking about food, Sherri shares insights from her “Me Time Monday” book on how to use sonic seasoning and musical menus during the holidays for both caregivers and older loved ones to “savor” the season.
(1:20:15) – In our Pop Culture segment, Sherri shares information about two new caregiving documentaries. The first is “Taking Care – The Legacies We’ll Accept, And Those We Don’t” about the story of actress/director Lauren Miller Rogen and her caregiving journey with her mom who had early onset Alzheimer’s. The second is a documentary on the innovative Town Square dementia day care model created by Glenner Adult Day Care Services called “Town Square: A Documentary Film About Recreating the Past to Reclaim the Present.”
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Nov 06, 2024
Our first November episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” kicks off with November’s National Family Caregiver Month (#NFCMonth) and two great interviews:
(17:22) Sandy Markwood – CEO, UsAging – tells us what free resource and guidance family caregivers can use through the network of local Area Agencies on Aging, the Elder Care Locator and other resources and talks about UsAging’s new Caregiver Marketplace to find great tech solutions to help caregivers.
(41:36) Max Mayblum – Founder/CEO, Givers – Many family caregivers wonder if they can get paid to care for their loved one – the answer is “yes” and Givers is the resource to walk you through how to do it.
(4:42) In CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri shares insights from her “Me Time Monday” book on the 7 As of Caregiving and how to use these guiding principles to help caregivers on maintain their balance and joy during the care journey for a loved one. Sherri also shares information on the campaigns for National Family Caregiver Month including the caregiver stories initiatives such as the “I Care…” campaign from the Caregiver Action Network and the “Portraits in Caregiving” from the National Alliance for Caregiving – two efforts that also highlight National Family Stories Month.
(1:06:26) For WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks about the good news that comes from Daylight Savings and rolling our clocks back but also what to think about to make older loved one’s homes safer with good lighting. Sherri also shares the latest news from Samsung on its Smart Things Family Care App for helping caregivers coordinate care and stay in communication with older loved ones at home using the latest technology.
(1:18:40) – In our Pop Culture segment, Sherri shares some insights into the new Bradley Cooper caregiving documentary, “Caregiving,” which will be broadcast on PBS stations next spring in 2025.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Oct 21, 2024
This October episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” we start with a wonderful interview with one of the “sharks” from TV’s “Shark Tank” – Barbara Corcoran. But she is not here to talk about business investment, rather she talks to Sherri about her personal caregiving journey with her mom who had Alzheimer’s which led to her mission to help educate people about Alzheimer’s and especially the episodes of agitation that are typical of dementia adults.
(21:48) For CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri shares insights from her “Me Time Monday” book for National Positive Attitude Month and National Gratitude Month and explains why optimists live longer than pessimists. Sherri also talks about National Train Your Brain Day on Oct 13 and more info from her book on how to cross-train your brain in 7 minutes or less and finally wraps up with insights into dementia in the workplace based on a new research report from Bank of America.
For Pop Culture, Sherri shares one of her favorite childhood TV commercials – the Coke commercial – for World Smile Day on October 4.
(35:25) -Interview with Delores Stone, family caregiver of a husband with Alzheimer’s Delores shares her inspiring story on how her husband was rescued after wandering from home with the help of his Theora Care smartwatch and the local police K9 Unit – as Delores tells Sherri, “This watch saved a life.”
(51:31) in WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri talks about the latest updates for senior transportation for October’s National Rideshare Month – especially a new Caregiver App from UberHealth for free rides. And Sherri ends the episode in honor of Halloween with some Caregiver Halloween Hacks – tricks and treats for keeping loved ones safe and happy at home.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Sep 26, 2024
This September episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” we focus on World Alzheimer’s Month as well as National Falls Prevention Week (Sept 23-28) with our guest, Steve Popovich, CEO/President of Theora Care. Steve will share how Theora Care’s technology is helping to detect and prevent falls for older adults and helping recover Alzheimer’s adults who have wandered.
(4:56) For CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, Sherri shares the latest research news from the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference including how wildfires, processed meat may increase your dementia risk and how blood tests can be used to diagnosis Alzheimer’s – and much more! Sherri also features our Pop Culture segment with her review of the movie, “Reagan” about the former president who had Alzheimer’s at the end of his life.
(24:52) -Interview with Steve Popovich, CEO/President, Theora Care
(1:01:06) in WELL HOME DESIGN NEWS, Sherri shares how to keep older loved ones safe in case of emergencies through natural disasters.
(1:13:07) Me Time Monday Wellness Hack are 7 Brain Health Hacks that may help prevent Alzheimer’s. And Sherri also extends a big THANK YOU to our podcast listeners for making us #6 on the Top 100 caregiving podcast list!
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Sep 11, 2024
For this first September episode of our “Caregiving Club On Air” podcast, we celebrate National Assisted Living Week (Sept 8-14) with our special guest, Susan Ryan, CEO of The Green House Project.
(4:35) For CAREGIVER WELLNESS NEWS, as we move from August National Wellness Month into September’s National Self-Care Month Sherri continues to share the research and tips from her book that blends wellness and self-care, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.”
We are also spotlighting September Healthy Aging Month while we celebrate Grandparents Day on Sept 8 and National Centenarians Day on Sept 22. We are also bringing back our POP CULTURE segment where Sherri reviews a recent movie on aging, “Thelma,” and talks about the New York Times series of articles on “The Unstoppables” the latest trend in aging.
(27:37) Susan Ryan – CEO of The Green House Project
(58:02) Turning to Well Home Design News, Sherri shares a great online tool that helps family caregivers calculate and plan ahead for the costs of care including national and state-by-state costs of assisted living, in-home care, adult day care, memory care and nursing homes. This is a part of the Me Time Monday plan focused on Financial Wellness. She also shares her personal experience this summer embracing Swedish Death Cleaning (it is not depressing, it’s uplifting!). And finally, Sherri commemorates the 23rd anniversary of the Sept 11th terrorist attacks and the health issues that brave first responders and those in lower Manhattan near Ground Zero that day still suffer from and how this created even more caregivers in the U.S.
(1:13:51) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. This hack talks about how to practice the Me Time Monday program – 3 steps and 7 minutes is all it takes!
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Aug 15, 2024
Our August episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” celebrates National Wellness Month and the 1-Year Anniversary of my book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.” We also take a look at National Relaxation Day on Aug 15 with our special guest, Ellen MacKay, co-creator of Yoga4Caregivers. Ellen leads us through a very helpful breathing exercise and discusses the importance of yoga and types of yoga caregivers can do in 7 minutes or less.
(4:35) In our Caregiver Wellness News, we’re also celebrating National Friendship Day (Aug 4) and another type of friend on International Dog Day on Aug 26. I’ll share recent announcements from the U.S. Surgeon General on social media risks, the benefit of being friends with your older parent and how our dogs can develop dementia and how to prevent cognitive issues for both of you!
(13:07) Ellen MacKay – Co-Creator of Yoga4Caregivers
(44:16) Turning to Well Home Design News we highlight National Beach Day Aug 30 and the Blue Wellness research from my book, “Me Time Monday,” that shows how healing water can be. I take the latest spa/resort trends and tell you how to bring those into your home. We also look at National Booklovers Day (Aug 9) with some booklover design tips and also our updated Caregiving Club Booklovers List. We also celebrate the 1-year anniversary of my book “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.” with surprising, exciting new content I’ll be sharing.
(1:03:13) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. Sherri shares more of the Blue Wellness science of coastal living, water therapies and how water is essential to our physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.
We also want to remind listeners to check out LoveYourBrain.com where you can find online and in-person caregiver retreats and other programs for mind/body/soul.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Jul 25, 2024
Our July episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” celebrates the upcoming Paris Olympics with host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, interviewing Adam Pearce, Co-Founder of LoveYourBrain.com about his story caregiving for his brother, a former Olympic snowboarder, Kevin Pearce, who suffered a traumatic brain injury during a 2010 Olympic training session. This inspirational story is about brotherly bonds, resiliency and hope.
(3:20) Sherri also shares information on National Sandwich Generation Month during Caregiver Wellness News including studies that show Sandwich Generation caregivers struggle with and need more help in financial wellness – one of the 7 elements of wellness from Sherri’s book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.” Part of this plan is having the long-term care conversation with families and Sherri offers a free on demand webinar on how to have these CARE Conversations for caregivers. With International Self-Care Day on July 24 Sherri talks about the Four Hormones of Happiness from her “Me Time Monday” book and how caregivers can harness these hormones for better well-being.
(19:25) Adam Pearce – Co-Founder of LoveYourBrain.com
(53:24) In the Well Home Design News Sherri celebrates National Forest Week (July 8-14) by creating a multisensory design plan for your home. Sherri shares how to bring the forest inside and how to engage and immerse your 5 senses that improve brain health, lower stress and reduce anxiety and depression – all from research in her “Me Time Monday” book on biophilic design.
(1:06:50) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. Sherri shares more of the wellness science of forest bathing, also known as forest medicine, and we offer a 1-min forest meditation in celebration of National Forest Week.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Jun 27, 2024
Our June episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” has host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, recognizing Alzheimer’s & Brain Health Awareness Month with an interview with Deborah Levy, Executive Director, and Dr. Charles Wilcox, Board Member, of the Alzheimer’s Association Orange County. Discussion includes family caregiver education and support groups, signs of dementia vs. Alzheimer’s vs. MCI and the latest tests to diagnose dementia including blood tests as well as how to reduce your risk for Alzheimer’s in the future.
For the National Day of Joy on June 26, Sherri talks to Saudia Gajadhar, Chief Happiness Officer of Comfort Keepers, and their latest survey findings on positive mindsets and aging well based on responses from adult children and older parents.
(3:07) For Caregiver Wellness News, Sherri recaps some of the latest statistics from the recent Alzheimer’s Association Facts & Figures Report on how many people are affected by dementia, she talks about the importance of hydration and brain health with research from her book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life” for National Hydration Day June 23 and touches upon the difference in caring for fathers versus mothers for Father’s Day.
(14:21) Saudia Gajadhar – Comfort Keepers National Day of Joy interview
(36:01) Deborah Levy and Dr. Charles Wilcox – Alzheimer’s Association Orange County interview
(1:06:45) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares her free webinar webinar on “Dementia Friendly Home Design” on the Caregiving Club YouTube channel to highlight Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness Month. And for Employee Wellness Month, Sherri shares an excerpt from her “Me Time Monday” book on biophilic design to improve brain health as part of Environment Wellness for both home and office.
(1:12:14) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. We explore musical menus and sonic seasoning and how our brains interpret music and dining for better health to celebrate World Music Month.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
May 21, 2024
This May episode of “Caregiving Club On Air,” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, celebrates Older Americans Month with an interview with Kian Saneii, Founder and CEO of Independa, that provides an ecosystem of health and wellness applications and benefits, including bi-directional, easy-to-use video chat, allowing care recipients to stay more healthy, independent and socially engaged, while reducing the costs and complexities of care.
(2:50) For Caregiver Wellness News, we highlight May Mental Health Month with research from Sherri’s book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life” on how to combat anxiety and increase emotional wellness.
We also celebrate Mother’s Day on May 12 and Memorial Day on May 27 as well as centenarians and Living to 100 but also the ageism we see in workplaces and society for older Americans.
(30:31) Kian Saneii of Independa interview
(1:02:34) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares highlights for both National Home Improvement Month and National Moving Month celebrated in May. She shares some tips on resources to help make home modifications as well as the 3 C’s of Age-Friendly Home Design from her “Me Time Monday” book. Sherri also talks about how to help a loved one downsize or move from a family home. You can check out Sherri’s free webinar on “Dementia Friendly Home Design” on the Caregiving Club YouTube channel.
(1:18:15) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. We explore how to increase your spiritual wellness in recognition of May 2 and the National Day of Prayer.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Apr 23, 2024
This April episode of “Caregiving Club On Air,” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, celebrates National Get Organized Day April 26 with an interview with Heather Nickerson, Co-Founder and CEO of Artifcts, an app and online resource that helps you tell the stories of your treasures and protect your legacy items.
(3:23) For Caregiver Wellness News, we highlight National Stress Awareness Month and World Book Day April 23 with some destress tips from Sherri’s latest book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.”
For Earth Day on April 22 Sherri also focuses on biophilic wellness from her book including Blue Wellness, Green Exercise, Multisensory Nature Experiences that all support the 7 Elements of Wellness in Me Time Monday.
Fun and Funny Celebrities – for April’s National Humor Month, we share news of our favorite adaptable clothing line, Joe & Bella, whose cool stylish designs just got more fun by collaborating with comedic actor, Seth Rogen, and his actress/writer/director wife, Lauren Miller Rogen, creators of Hilarity for Charity (HFC), designing some fashion items with some proceeds benefitting those with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Sherri also talks about her work with HFC to support family caregivers.
(21:00) Heather Nickerson of Artifcts interview
(52:02) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares some tips on how to declutter your home including the latest trend in Swedish Death Cleaning. It not only helps your Environmental Wellness but your Emotional Wellness. And, we offer more resources to help you and your family get your important documents organized in case of personal emergencies or natural disasters.
(1:03:36) At the end of this episode is our Me Time Monday Wellness Hack from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. We explore how stories and storytelling can actually help us destress – all for National Stress Awareness Month.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Mar 19, 2024
This March episode of “Caregiving Club On Air,” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, celebrates Companies That Care Day March 21 with an interview with Dr. Jennifer Olsen, CEO of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers (RCI) which has a new report on its Innovation Lab pilot program to support hourly workers who are also family caregivers.
(3:00) For Caregiver Wellness News, we highlight International Happiness Day March 20. Sherri shares information from her new book, “Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life” on the difference between happiness and joy and since it is March National Nutrition Month, she talks about foods that promote happiness. Sticking with the nutrition theme, Sherri shares information on how 50% of Americas are dehydrated and why this hurts brain health for World Water Day March 22.
For Companies That Care Day Sherri also focuses on the trends in the workplace to support employees who are caregivers, especially the 1 in 6 workers caring for an older loved one and the 23% of workers who are Sandwich Generation – caring for children and older parents or grandparents simultaneously. Sherri also highlights the findings from recent reports from Harvard, Care.com and RCI that showcase the innovation and benefit needs working caregivers want.
(23:38) Dr. Jennifer Olsen, CEO – Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers interview
(41:00) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares her insights from recent reports and conferences including the trends from the Global Wellness Institute and the latest products and design for aging in place and creating wellness environments in our homes from the recent KBIS (Kitchen and Bath Industry Show). These include: cold plunges, air care and aromatherapy infused baths.
(54:52) At the end, this episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. It is how to harness the four feel-good hormones that promote more happiness.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Mar 04, 2024
This March episode of “Caregiving Club On Air,” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, celebrates National Sleep Awareness Week March 10-16 with an interview with Dr. Wnedy Troxel, a sleep science expert and author of “Sharing the Covers – Every Couple’s Guide to Better Sleep.”
(2:58) For Caregiver Wellness News, Sherri shares sleep tips from her new book, “Me Time Monday,” including how sleep affects our weight, our mood and mental health, how naps are related to Alzheimer’s risk and how sleep changes as we age. And more from Sherri’s book on why daydreaming is important for stress relief and building resiliency to celebrate National Dream Day March 11. Sherri also recognizes March as National Nutrition Month and shares tips on what foods help you get to sleep. And for our Pop Culture segment, we share our best picture list of caregiving movies to commemorate Oscar Sunday March 10.
(33:05) Dr, Megan Troxel, sleep expert and author interview
(1:04:40) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares tips from her “Me Time Monday” book on how to get to and stay asleep and also talks about the latest in sleep tech.
(1:25:45) At the end, this episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. It is how daydreaming helps build resiliency and makes us better caregivers.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Feb 12, 2024
For our February episode of “Caregiving Club On Air,” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, celebrates National Caregivers Day on Feb 16 with Daphney Vick, Founder/CEO of Carefluent.
(2:29) For Caregiver Wellness News, Sherri gives an overview of the various home care services available to families for National Caregivers Day including how to get paid as caregiver if you are a family member. Sherri also shares the latest news for February’s Heart Health Month as well as February National Cancer Prevention Month.
(27:43) Daphney Vick of Carefluent interview
(55:55) In the Well Home Design News Sherri shares news about what one Girl Scout and Habitat for Humanity are doing to help family caregivers and older adults, especially with living in our homes as long as possible.
(1:03:54) At the end, this episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is from from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. It is a heart-focused breathing technique to soothe the vagus nerve and bring calm after stressful events.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Jan 24, 2024
This episode of “Caregiving Club On Air” host and gerontologist, Sherri Snelling, focuses on January Financial Wellness Month and her great interview with longevity planning financial expert, Amanda Stahl of Raymond James.
For Caregiver Wellness News, Sherri continues the January Financial Wellness Month theme with her insights on how to create your own personal "Joyconomy" from her new book, Me Time Monday. Also, since January is the time many people are turning to new exercise programs, Sherri talks about some of the latest wellness trends or what she calls “Joyful Workouts.” These programs follow the principles of her new book, Me Time Monday and the trend in green exercise that Sherri wrote about. Sherri also talks about how to become a Me Time Monday resolutionary – abandon those New Year’s Resolutions for a lifelong wellness plan that works.
In the Well Home Design News Sherri talks about cost of care and financial planning for long-term care with some resources and data that help families with the new longevity – the 20 to 30 bonus years of life we are all living.
At the end, this episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is also from from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. Sherri offers 7 “Joyful Workout” ideas to kick-start your year.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Jan 09, 2024
Kicking off the 4th Season of our “Caregiving Club On Air” podcast which is all about caregiver wellness, Sherri Snelling, corporate gerontologist, talks with Shawn Hallam, President of Instant Jungle on how houseplants can improve health through better air care at home – just in time for January 10 National Houseplant Appreciation Day!
In Caregiver Wellness News Sherri explains the health benefit of hugging for January 21` National Hugging Day. Part of this discussion is from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life, where she shares how to harness your 4 feel-good hormones through activities like hugging that improve mental and physical health. Sherri also discusses the loneliness epidemic in the U.S. and how it led to the death of “Friends” actor Matthew Perry.
For Well Home Design News Sherri talks about the 5 best houseplants for air care and reviews how to bring your garden indoors – safely, cleanly and easily.
This episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is also from from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. It is how the color psychology behind the color green enhances our well-being and joy.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Dec 04, 2023
For December Sherri Snelling, corporate gerontologist and “Caregiving Club On Air” podcast host kicks off the holiday theme in this episode with our great interview on the latest trends in age-tech and digital health:
Steve Ewell with Consumer Technology Association Foundation and CES which is the biggest global showcase event of the latest technology. Steve will give us a sneak peek of the new products being displayed at CES in January that may make great holiday gifts. Sherri also gives a preview of our 3rd Annual Holiday Gift Guide for older adults, caregiver self-care and well home design.
In Caregiver Wellness News Sherri talks about the loss of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter who passed away November 19 at age 96. Sherri shares a personal story about her connection to Mrs. Carter. She also shares the latest in sleep science since sleep is the one thing we often do not get enough of during the busy holiday season.
For Well Home Design News Sherri talks about our living environments and how they promote wellness. She gives an update on how senior living are creating Tech Labs for residents to not only learn about tech but also engage in social activities. And Sherri gives insights from her new book, “Me Time Monday” on creating Joy by harnessing your feel-good hormones through environmental wellness design.
This episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is also from from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life. It is the last chapter on the 7 lessons George Bailey from “It’s a Wonderful Life” teaches us about happiness.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/
Nov 21, 2023
As we continue to recognize National Family Caregiver Month & National Alzheimer’s Month, Sherri Snelling, corporate gerontologist and “Caregiving Club On Air” podcast host, interviews the following guests on this episode:
1. Megan Witbracht with UCI MIND which is one of about 30 Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers (ADRCs) in the country. Megan shares the latest clinical trials and drug announcements to treat Alzheimer’s plus support groups and other help for caregivers of those with dementia
2. Neal Shah Founder and CEO of CareYaYa tells us about his innovative approach to providing personal care and companionship in the home for older adults – using medical school students.
In Caregiver Wellness News Sherri talks about what actor Matthew Perry’s death teaches us about loneliness. She also shares early gift ideas including great gift baskets from Harry & David’s which has a campaign to support family caregivers.
For Well Home Design News Sherri gives a shoutout to one group caring for veterans and their family caregivers: Tunnel to Towers Foundation a nonprofit helping to house homeless veterans, give smart homes to disabled veterans and provide mortgage-free homes to families who have lost a first responder in the line of duty. Sherri also shares insights on “dementia friendly travel” just in time for the holidays.
This episode’s Me Time Monday Wellness Hack is our Gratitude Gravy Recipe from Sherri’s new book, Me Time Monday – The Weekly Wellness Plan to Find Balance and Joy for a Busy Life.
Find out more at: caregivingclub.com/podcast/